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OK... We have bases loaded nobody out I'm UIC, SLOW ground ball hit to the second baseman...I'm watching the runner from third come home and touch home I see my partner with a delayed dead ball signal and the baserunner on the ground...he calls obstruction and the runner out (he should have called interference on the runner) because the runner intefered with the fielder. NOW the defensive coach comes out and asks if the runner who was coming home should have been called out because he was the forced partner says NO because there was NO chance for a double play and only the runner advancing to second would be out. I remember somthing in my readings about a leading runner being out on interference Could I get some help and NFHS Rule?
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I think I found it!!!!


8.4.2 SITUATION E: All bases are occupied with no outs when B4 hits a ground ball to F4 and R3 collides with him as he is fielding the ball. RULING: The ball became dead when the interference occurred. R3 is declared out . If the umpire declares that F4 could have executed a double play, then the umpire shall declare two outs (the runner who interfered and the other runner or batter runner involved). If the umpire rules that only one runner could have been put out, then only R3 is out. NO RUNS SCORE AND ALL OTHER RUNNERS SHALL RETURN TO BASES OCCUPIED AT THE TIME OF INTERFERENCE.
If the umpire declares that F4 could have executed a double play, then the umpire shall declare two outs (the runner who interfered and the other runner or batter runner involved). If the umpire rules that only one runner could have been put out, then only R3 is out.

Sounds like U2 was all over it. He deemed there was no DP, one out. Did you agree with him?

But, say a possible 4-2-3 DP then yeah, ring up R3.
I'm watching the runner from third come home and touch home I see my partner with a delayed dead ball signal and the baserunner on the ground...he calls obstruction and the runner out (he should have called interference on the runner)

When I read this: "I'm watching the runner from third come home and touch home I see my partner with a delayed dead ball signal and the baserunner on the ground."

My first thougtht was, no reason to "watch" B3 coming home. A glance for the touch is all U1 needs. Where I'm going with that is, keep your eyes on the immenent play, F4-R1. What if; U1 assumes a play at 2nd, turns just too soon, you both look back and B1's on the ground, now what ya gonna do?

I thought about "did you send em back?" But then thought well maybe U2, who seemed to handle the rest well, maybe, he was just speaking coach-a-neese.
So, U2 signaled and called obs. which must ah thrown you both into "delayed" mode?
Cause, everything stops on the Int.
nobody's going anywhere.
jjk He had his fist out in delayed dead ball, I did watch both. I used to teach in the inner city and you MUST have eyes behind your head Smile. So I did not know what happened but I see delayed dead ball and I'm not sending anyone back, if we would have reconstructed the event we would have Interference, immediate dead ball runner out and everyone goes back. We kicked the call Frown

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