Originally posted by baseballmom:
hannah montana tickets!
Good luck with that!
If he could get them, that would certainly be a GREAT gift!
Kevin, I think the suggestion of time is a great one. An 11 year old girl would love a weekend trip with taking her best friend. An overnight ski trip perhaps? A trip to her favorite city for shopping and a play? Something fun that she would enjoy doing with a buddy and you can't go wrong.
Jewelry is a great gift. She's still pretty young though, so I'm not sure I'd invest a lot of money in case it was lost. My dad gave me a turquoise ring for my 13th birthday. It was always one of my most special pieces of jewelry. Last year my teenage daughter's purse was stolen and the ring was in there. I felt like a piece of my dad was taken.
A gift that luvbb suggested to me a couple of years ago was a great gift idea too and your daughter might be old enough to appreciate this one. I gave it to my daughter for her birthday which is Dec 11. I gave her her own Christmas tree. A white Christmas tree with hot pink lights with pink and green (primarily) ornaments. The ornaments were also primarily purses, shoes, and girlie things. It's something that I think she'll want to take to her dorm room eventually. A neat girl thing that is all hers! I found some hot pink ornament frames too so she could put pictures of her friends, etc and personalize the tree.