I have been suckered into playing in an old timers game as part of a Mayfest celebration-this year's town theme is Baseball.
The right shoulder is shot from too many years of throwing BP.
The left knee aches for no apparent reason.
When an orthopedic surgeon looked at an X-ray of the right knee a year ago, his exact words:
"Man, I hope my knees don't look that bad when I'm 50." (no bedside manner whatsoever)
The vision is a work in progress, a negative work. Walmart has sold me over the past several years reading glasses that were powered at 1.0, then 1.25, then 1.50, and currently 1.75. I can't even read the sports pages over the urinals anymore.
Son #2 says "Dad, you can just stand on first base, you don't have to throw"
I was a pitcher eons ago and love to throw.
Question: Anyone have any miracle cures to get me one lousy inning out of this broken down body?
I couldn't find BALCO in the local directory, and Barry hasn't called back. Jose is off writing a sequel regarding Viagra, Mark is studying history, and I don't know what Sammy said, it was spoken in Spanish.
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