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Originally posted by Dad04:
The message board sort of takes a glass-is-half-empty tone during the fall and pre-season, for some reason. We are right on schedule. All is well. Smile

I agree with Dad04. This happens every year at this time and then the cabin fever leaves us.

All is well and don't be afraind of the egg shell Smile
I agree with this:

Dad04: "The message board sort of takes a glass-is-half-empty tone during the fall and pre-season, for some reason. We are right on schedule. All is well."

And this... Wink

rz1: "CD, What does a guy who's probably sitting outside, next to the pool, in a lawn chair, with an umbrella drink, know of cabin fever? Big Grin "


Last edited by MN-Mom
Its called withdrawls from baseball and post holiday blues LOL.

I have to say that I have received many private messages from posters on this board over the time I have come on here. I have met some wonderful people who have encouraged me with their words.

The discussions that get heated dont bother me , unless people just get rude. Anyone can avoid being rude. Just re read your post before you hit post .
Its like when you write a letter when your mad at someone, you never send the letter. You re read and then send it after the anger is calmed so that you can present yourself as a person who can communicate with others without insulting one another. 99.9 percent of the people on the HSBBW can do that.
Last edited by fanofgame
Originally posted by rz1:
I agree with Dad04. This happens every year at this time and then the cabin fever leaves us.

CD, What does a guy who's probably sitting outside, next to the pool, in a lawn chair, with an umbrella drink, know of cabin fever? Big Grin

Busted, I guess. I think I've read about cabin fever somewhere, sometime. I'll have to admit sitting outside today watching the puffy white clouds change shapes. I went in to get more sunscreen...and another umbrella drink. Cool
Last edited by Dad04
Today marks the end of a great three weeks with son home from school. My wife and I wasted no time cleaning up and re-arranging the furniture. Anything I guess just to get our minds off of the empty feeling that we're left with. I felt another twinge when I put my catcher's mitt away until summer.

So anyway, I can hardly wait until Feb 20. Yes that's opening day, and Bullwinkle's beloved Anteaters venture out west for a date with their Rainbow destiny. Moose, tell your boy that unless he prefers flying cockroaches, it's BYOA (ants) because the Bow's stadium is turf, and besides the native buggers don't go for the Haolis. Your posts are gonna look great adorned with a big dakine green H. Cool
Last edited by spizzlepop

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