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Snowing its tail off right now 31 degrees expecting more snow tonight...That is a blizzard in West Tennessee. It’s a wet snow that sticks to the barren trees that creates a bleak but beautiful contrast. They have canceled everything but wrassling’ and bingo. Getting ready to get the jeep out and cut some donuts! I love it!
Here's a picture of my driveway just after I shoveled it out.
hey fungo,
my brother went to first day of tryouts,the 9th grade pitchers and catchers went with varsity,the freshman catchers had to catch varsity the 1st day and he said he was scared at first then realized that they werent any faster that some of the kids on his travel team!
They are 5 catchers trying out for 9th grade and until yesterday only 3 in (our opinion) would make it as catchers but the coach to a liking to this one kid said he was real smooth when he caught the ball.When it came time to throw down he couldnt even get it to second base on a 1hop.My brother either gained some respect from the coaches or lost some when he was catching this senior catcher(whom he knows) who's release point was way off making everything go in the dirt,So boo stood up and told him his realese point was off and how to correct it got back down in his stance.The head baseball coach and the vice principal(who was coach until he went into administration)said"Son you got b%^LS,Thats our ace (varsity) pitcher."Boo said to me"I thought as a catcher I was suppose to take control of the situation and help my pitcher out before the coach has to make a visit".He waits until tryouts to start doing this we've been trying to get him to do this for a few seasons!!I hope he didnt mess things up for himself.
Originally posted by lafmom:
JT - The weather is about the same here in Lexington. A wet snow covering everything although they've lowered the accumulation predictions drastically! Looks pretty!

Fungo - You'd better get in the house, sit by the fire, and take some Ibuprofen!! Smile

Yep, they lowered the total snowfall in your area and raised ours. Eek

We're expecting 6-12". I'm breaking out the sled.
Last edited by tasmit
TPM, we had GREAT weather out here today, too! Went to watch Long Beach State vs. Cal Golden Bears. It was donwright hot, with temps in the upper 70's at Evans Diamond. Boy do I feel sorry for those who are having snow right now.

I had a special treat today, I got to meet DB2B, but missed out on meeting URKMB. Shirl is a very nice lady (and her son ain't so bad, either).
JT, I know everyone is miles apart but ain't it strange how much we have in common? (excluding FL and CA)
From the Memphis newspaper:
High school juniors and seniors also got a reprieve from college-entrance tests that had been slated for today at city and county schools. County school exams have been rescheduled for Feb. 25, while city officials have yet to set a new date.

As is normal during winter storms, local residents headed in droves to grocery stores to stock up.

It's still snowing here and one of the prettiest snows we've had in a long time. There's several inches on the ground but roads are in fine condition. It's the snow that I've been hoping for actually!! clap

Mniterambler - My son is a college freshman who will be going to Panama City. However, his former HS goes to Ft. Walton every year for the Beach Bash. It's one part of HS ball that I will miss terribly. One of my favorite places and a well run tournament - many great memories! The HS is Lafayette out of Lexington, KY.
Unfortunately, the Military Academy that is holding them in our area (45 miles south) is holding them as we speak. Jr. not too thrilled about leaving in a snowstorm--but we're here, the snow isn't sticking where we are right now, although the ground is fully covered at home. BTW, nothing like tapping into the academy's wireless internet so I can amuse myself in the car.

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