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I found this to be interesting especially with MiLB announcing today that they will now be testing for HGH---flying to Maryland this past weekend for our tournament I found a FULL PAGE ad for the "supplement" HGH which can be purchased with a phone call and a credit card---interestingly the airline had a disclaimer at the bottom of the page that they did not endorse the product
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Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Big problem in the Dominican Republic. They got birth certificate problems and performance enhancing drug problems. All kinds of fraud down there.

Most milb players busted are from there or other countries.

IMO, most latin players do not become the phenoms in their 20's they appeared to be when at 15, 16. From what I see, speed is most likely their best tool. Yes you do have a few that move forward. The farm systems that stock with latin players are the worst teams, have very little real prospects to trade for and end up spending lots of money on FA.

The kids get here and have to stop taking whatever it was that got them here, they struggle and they get hurt. They know that a trip on the DL or poor performance may mean being sent back, so they do what they feel they have to in order to stay in the game because there is nothing there for them back home.

Is this a good thing? It depends how you look at it, there's so much corruption, fraud, so much drugs, lying, this is MLB's way of weeding out the players they may pay big bucks for down there, and don't pan out, a lot slips by on a urine test only. If this helps to stop the fraud and corruption and dangerment of health of these young kids, I am ok with it. You can't just do it for one group and not the other. Don't be transparent in your reasoning, we know why you are doing it.

The thing that bothers me is that milb players have no respresentation even for discussion. Do any of you have to take a blood test at your workplace?
At my workplace we take urine tests, blood tests and on request mouth swabs to detect .o8 alcohol. My type of work is very sensitive to any drug or alcohol abuse since our mistakes can kill hundreds as in Texas City in 1947 or thousands as in Bhoupal, India. So I have no sympathy for anyone who has to take blood tests to play a game.
While I appreciate your response, I understand that there are some jobs where it is critical to moniter drug use, for the safety of others.

If that was the case here, concern and safety over taking HGH, etc, then I understand. But that's not it. It's more about the money. I don't care if you want to test any player, enough with the smoke and mirrors. We know who they are targeting.

Yeah, in this profession, it becomes personal when you see someone who you know is struggling for a spot but can't get it because the DR teammates are taking HGH, or something else to stay in the game.

Of approximately 50+ milb suspensions this year, many, many are from the DR.

Before the international draft, 20 of the top 40 prospects from the DR tested positive beforehand. One agent alone had 4 that tested positive (he blamed GNC).

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