Originally Posted by OA5II:
What kind of idiot would stick and stay in with an idiot as a coach? The same idiot that would stick and stay with an idiot as a boss. Coaches don't have loyalty to schools, they will take the next great job. Kids don't need to have loyalty to coaches for the same reason. Schools aren't loyal to coaches because he has some losing seasons and he is out of a job. Companies don't have loyalty to their employees and employeeds don't have loyalty to companies. Loyalty is a term people in power like to throw out there to try and keep their power. If you are truly wanting to teach you child a real lesson; teach them that lesson. To deny is to lie.
Thanks for the info.
I'll be sure to cut off all communication I continue to have with any former coaches, some of whom have visited me in the hospital, written letters of recommendation for me, consider me a dear friend.
I'll be sure to cut off all communication I continue to have with any former teammates, all of whom I've sweated, screamed, bled, cried, laughed with...often simultaneously.
I'll be sure to cut off all communication I continue to have with any former classmates, some of whom I've pulled all-nighters with, stressing, cramming, communicating, using as a resource and a source of guidance.
I'll be sure to cut off all communication I continue to have with any former teachers, some of whom taught me life lessons that are immeasurable and whom I consider friends to this day.
I'll be sure to cut off all communication I continue to have with any former professors, some of whom inspired me and drove me to push myself to limits I did not know I was capable of reaching intellectually.
I'll be sure to cut off all communication I continue to have with any former employers, some of whom I remain close with today- all of whom taught me valuable lessons about the business world.
Since there's no loyalty in the world, I must've be an idiot for crying when I saw my senior teammates crying after a walk-off loss in the 11th inning of an NCAA regional game as a sophomore. I must've been an idiot when I asked all the aforementioned people for letters of recommendation for grad school, and for employment. I must've been an idiot when I accepted my current job, knowing good and well that my boss really doesn't care at all about me.
Count me then, OA5II, as one of the idiots in the world. I pride myself on loyalty, and gravitate to those that reciprocate it. I'm damn proud of it, too.