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A Georgia high school team blames it lack of hitting on the pre game country music sceaming from the loud speakers before the game.
The coach said it was bad enough our team was depressed after hearing all these sad country songs about our girlfriend leaving us and our dog dying, Then the opposing team throws a left throwing 91-92 mph, like we had a chance to hit then.

Red Face
Request from the players for Gansta Rap music have been ignored
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Can I be a crabby old coach here? I'm not hip to the music. In college, we played music and I don't think anyone was ever focused. I know, this sounds like an excuse instead of a reason. However, there won't be any country, rap or anything else played when we're getting ready for a game. We're not going to a social. JMHO!
CoachB25..."Never kill the kid in the kid." I have found this to be a good policy. IMO..It seems that you say one thing then do another. Music is in the "KIDS", it was when you were young and it will be when their kids are young. Baseball is a game of "FUN"...sounds like you don't allow any. If you think music takes their focus away, then I would say, "YES" you are an old crabby coach!

Let the kids have fun..they play this game with music @ a 1000 different games on a 1000 different fields. I hope you change your mind.
C'mon, Dibble, we have to blame our poor hitting on something other than bad coaching! And who chooses the music anyway? Usually a couple of dads with no musical talent who pick bad tunes on purpose.

But on a serious note, do you think it was a "tongue in cheek" comment? It's too obvious to blame it on the pitching. And where were you sitting? I didn't see you there.
Originally posted by Starzz:
CoachB25..."Never kill the kid in the kid." I have found this to be a good policy. IMO..It seems that you say one thing then do another. Music is in the "KIDS", it was when you were young and it will be when their kids are young. Baseball is a game of "FUN"...sounds like you don't allow any. If you think music takes their focus away, then I would say, "YES" you are an old crabby coach!

Let the kids have fun..they play this game with music @ a 1000 different games on a 1000 different fields. I hope you change your mind.

Starzz, that statement is really about lightening up when you discipline a child and not destroy them. If I could, what do you go during your pregame? We have our hitting cages an area beyond the right and center field fences. Players are getting in drill work there. Our Bullpen is beyond the left field fence. That is how the diamond was layed out when it was constructed. I have hitters going in 3 cages and my pitcher getting their running in and ready to pitch his pregame. We have one fielding stations going. I am throwing BP with a tee station outside of the rolling cage. In BP, we throw 4 bunts, 4 swing aways, then, we work on individual flaws that they have been told to work on throughout the week. Then, they hit situations. We don't play music because I want to focus on coaching and having them be coached. I don't think that they will be able to hear me over the music. Now, I was partially joking when I say I'm a crabby old man. During passing periods, my room typically fills up with ball players stopping by to say hey. I won the most popular teacher award at my old high school 12 years in a row. I have held that distinction the longest it has ever been held here. I am crabby but I do allow for fun. I think winning is fun. We have fun after practice. However, when we are on that field, we get after it. It is a reputation we have earned throughout the St. Louis Metropolitain Area. Our players decided to have a pool tournament after practice Friday night since we were rained out and their spirits were down. The player setting up the "brackets" came over and asked me which bracket I belonged in. They all wanted me to enter the tournament. Now, I might be crabby but after a 4 hour practice, they wanted me to come over to shoot some pool. I am 47 years old and they wanted to spend more time with the crabby old coach. I might not be as bad as you perceive.

BTW, if you want to read about us:
Last edited by CoachB25
I think that the point of the original post was the type of music being played. Sad country songs would not be inducive to good hitting. Try 80's rock. As an experienced PA announcer I always play music the kids can relate to...something with a good upbeat. Of course I never play anything with profanity, which rules out what many of todays kids listen to.
Amen to RD. I play our PA, and added music two years ago at the request of our head coach, the only baseball coach our school has ever had (23 years of experience-old school to be sure). We play 70's and 80's rock, new stuff with a beat, country with a beat, and , when I can sneak it in, a little blue grass. No Rap, no profanity. The starting pitcher picks the first song, first inning, but almost all have gone with "Sweet Home Alabama" (we're in Virginia), so it's starting to sound like the makings of a tradition.

Sad woeful country songs wouldn't fit very well, and I'd get groaned out of the place. I have been warned (by the players) to avoid at all costs anything (1) slow (2) by the Back Street Boys or (3) by Brittany Spears.

Get the coach a CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival) greatest hits

We tend to sneak in a little more country music when we play teams from the metropolitan area as they're city kids and don't much care for it, but never the sad bluesy stuff.
Music is a major part of our home field atmosphere. Our coach was a teenager of the 70s and the music reflects that. CCR, Eagles, etc. When our players are taking the field they are called out one by one starting with the right fielder and ending with the starting pitcher, as their names are called "the eye of the tiger" is played in the back ground. As the players are standing on the field , outfielders in centerfield, 2B, SS, and 1B on second, catcher, 3b and pitcher on the mound a beautifully song version of our national anthem is played.(recorded by a former student). We get alot of compliment on how we do things. Everyone enjoys it. Guess I should say school mascot is tiger.

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