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Originally posted by GapFinder:
To the OP (original poster). I think the advice of getting the team together on its own, and getting your extra reps of fielding and batting in, at that time, is the most you can do. He is the coach for this year. I comend you and your teammates for taking pride in your school team.

I don't think that last post from Cleveland Dad is actually from Clev dad.
Therefore and henceforth, I will not offer advice and only critizie the imposter.

It was from me and that is not really appreciated.

The "young" man in question has criticized his coach at least 26 times behind his back (according to my count reveiwing his posts) and the only slightly positive thing he said is the coach runs repeated infield drills because he believes it will help them win - which he apparently disagrees. That is grossly one-sided, unfair, and over-the-top portrayal of the coach. I would have to be criminally naive to believe the situation is even close to being that lopsided. If we were to believe that version of things, a Catholic nun from India obviously could do a better job

Perhaps we should encourage this type of behaviour from youngsters and get rid of the coaches and let the back-stabbers and political insiders run the team. This young man seems to be 26 more times knowlegable than his coach and if you don't believe me then review his posts. Even though his coach played in college, this young man knows way more with his 3 years of varsity experience and his mighty travel ball experiences since age 4.

Sorry, I don't believe what was posted and I won't encourage it.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
But how can a poster give the other persons side of the story? They are not the other person, so a poster can only give their own side of the story. Now in fairness to the "other side" I would hope that the poster does give an honest story when posting. But, as readers, is it fair to assume the poster is being dishonest? I mean, aside from the obvious, shouldn't we give the poster the benefit of the doubt?

By "aside from the obvious" I mean someone who is very obviously not a "real" poster posting a real story. As far as the original poster of this thread, why should anyone assume they aren't who they say they are?
I am sure the OP did not appreciate it either. He comes in here asking a question, on what to do and how to approach the issue. And some of the replys are to question whether or not the OP is the player or not.
Guess what, it doesn't matter. There are situations like the poster described, maybe he is a player and looking for help, maybe its a parent looking for help. Either way, if you have some helpful insight, then offer it.

If your reply and answer is to critize and call into question who the poster is, you are not offering advice.
Guess what - it matters to me.

And when I respond to a post I am giving my opinion and I am not worried about wether or not anyone else agrees with it. Its my opinion. My opinion is not based on a popularity contest or what makes others feel good.

Guess what - I respect everyone's opinion. Even those that disagree with me. Just like you have the right to have your opinion that it doesn't matter to you. Thats cool thats your opinion.

Who determines what is helpful insight? Each individual can decide that for themself. We have mod's to mod. IMO we dont need posters moderating other posters on what their opinion should or should not be. But thats just my opinion and I am just fine with my opinion we get along fine. And I don't have any problem with someone else having their own opinion

If the OP did not appreciate it the OP can say so. And I cleary stated that if I was wrong I apologize in advance for it. But if its Ok , it does matter to me.

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