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I'm sure I am not the only one on this board who coached his son all the way up.

Then, when it gets time for high school to start, you have to hand him over to the high school coach. What if the HS coach is clueless?

I know my kid, and I am totally realistic about his ability. Plus, I know all his peers and what they can do - which kids melt in the clutch, and which ones can field a ground ball.

How do you suggest I give the high school staff the benefit of my knowledge? I have coached these kids all the way up and these guys are seeing them for the first time. Why haven't they asked me for my input?
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tee gee
maybe not being familiar with ALL the hs players? maybe your percieved to be a guy who only coached one player? from my experience dads can buffalo kids into babe ruth,and get by being a little lucky. after that your dealing with young men who can seperate the fly poop from the pepper.and the game does get a little you know.
relax sit back and enjoy watching your son ,you got him this far he'll get himself the rest of the way.
know when to say when.
If you want to coach HS ball, get a job coaching high school. Otherwise, get a big bag of seeds when the games roll around, sit in your favorite spot and watch the games.
I'm not going to come to you for input unless I go to every parent for input... not happening. That is why we practice, so the kids can improve and i can see where the pieces to the puzzle go together.
Now start saving up for those seeds.
Your being your son's only coach is not what I would want for my son. It is kind of like having all your money on one stock.. I'd rather be diversified. I did some coaching of my son at a younger age.. just a few seasons.. but since age 12 he has had over 40 different coaches and teams. I cherish all he has learned --good and bad-- from each and every one of them and hope someday he incorporates the best traits from each and coaches himself. Dad, please step back and let the H.S. coaches do their jobs. There have been a lot of posts on this here at HSBBW and it is clearly a sore subject. Please consider the wise move, for your son's sake be silent.
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