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Saw the recent comment about Bryce as it related to younger kids and it got me thinking.  We've already player a few high school games and one or two opposing teams seem to be encouraged to be very vocal during their team's at bat (what I really mean to say is that they are vocal while our pitchers are pitching).  Usually there is at least one opposing coach in the dugout in addition to the coach standing at 1st or 3rd base and they are unphased - certainly not telling the kids to quite down.  This is not simply chatter but is done in a manner to disrupt the pitcher (I'll give them enough credit that they are not trying to disrupt their own batter).  Volume usually builds and peaks as the pitcher delivers.

Aside from recommending that we throw at the first nine batters, any thoughts on this practice?  Especially interested in comments from current or former coaches that faced this.

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Unfortunately 19coach makes a valid point. I hate the chatter.  The place I coached at the last couple years after coming out of coaching retirement did it.  It drove me off the varsity level.  I was all too happy to switch to JV.  Our young head coach encouraged it.  I brought up my opposing viewpoint but ultimately it was his program.  In a word I think it's stupid.  

I believe the rules allow for any noise but using the pitchers name or number and making abrupt noises as he releases the ball.

it makes me wonder how my friends and I survived LL. We pitched to "hey pitcher, pitcher HEY" as we released the ball. Razzing the pitcher was the norm. Try listening to softball chants. There's some fairly nasty stuff chanted directly at the pitcher. Are girls mentally tougher than boys and don't need to be protected by rules?

When my daughter was pitching in 14u an opposing team rattled her with the chants directed at her. They were digging in on her less than stellar performance. I muttered to another coach (I was a pitcher), "I'd zip one by a hitter's head and ask how she likes that tune." But it was then I realized my daughter didn't have the mental makeup to be a pitcher.

Last edited by RJM

Coming from a former softball player, I was looking forward to the relative quiet at baseball games. Then the chatter and chanting started in baseball. It's still not to the level of the annoying softball cheers, but I'm not a fan. We had an obnoxious senior last year who loved to cheer loudly during the pitcher's wind-up. An ump actually called him on it and gave him a warning. Not really sure what the rule is that he broke, but I was totally ok with him getting in trouble. It didn't stop him at future games however. I kept wishing the coach would put a stop to it. Thankfully, I don't think we have anybody like that on the team this year.

Maybe I'm looking for help our team's parents.  Our pitchers did pretty well, but I know our players did not appreciate the noise.  The teams were not really rivals per se, but you could bet our guys were apt to be a little more aggressive in making plays.  Never had a hard play, but I'd certainly recommend that you be able to back up that type of noise.  As for a parent watching the game, it sort of took away some of the enjoyment.

I think it bothers the players in the dugout and fans more than the players on the field.  19coach is right, most pitchers don't even hear it (clear the mechanism - love that term, "For Love of the Game").  And this is not limited to HS teams.  I've seen plenty of college teams that have the girl's softball team mentality when it comes to this.  The best way to shut them up is to start beating them.  Quiets down quickly when you get your bats going and start shutting them down 1-2-3.

A little story that is pretty funny.  A couple weekends ago, my son's team was playing a team that between innings, when the press box played a certain song, they would do this dance as a team.  In the middle of the song, the whole team ducked down behind the net and one guy danced out front.  At a certain point, the whole team jumped up and started their dance again.  Yes, this was college and yes, it was cheesy.  Next time that song came up between innings, our pitcher saw them starting the stupid dance and immediately motioned to the catcher to throw down, ending his warm up pitches.  Cut that stupid dance off before they had a chance to go thru the whole thing.  

Next game, they started the same thing.  Our pitcher was ready then too.  Cut off his warm up tosses and nipped that in the bud.  I thought it was pretty dang funny!!

When my son played HS ball there were a few teams that engaged in this practice.  One in particular was notorious for it.  Only thing you can do is ignore it and as SoulSlam posted, keep them off the bases.  It'll diminish when you outplay them on the field.  On the other hand if you let it get to you, it just gets worse.

His HS coach did not allow such chanting.  Cheering your team on, yes, but chanting against the opposing pitcher was a no no.

For some reason this seems to be okay during softball games.  My daughters played HS softball and there was always chanting.  Funny how it was the norm in softball and not baseball.

Control the things you can control.  If something you cannot control gets in your head then you are toast.  The softball team I'm coaching is struggling with this.  Every little thing everyone does gets them rattled and I keep telling them to control what you can control which makes you mentally tougher.  I even came up with a new saying over it - if we can do it 100 times in practice then we can do it once in a game.  Basically stop thinking / worrying about everything that doesn't matter and do what we work on.

2017LHPscrewball posted:

Anyone think that when the coach encourages this behavior, he puts his kids at a slightly higher level of risk?  I really can't blame the kids (they are high school kids) but I can blame the coach.

Maybe I need to watch a few softball games and toughen up.

If the kids are doing it themselves - whatever, they're kids.

When the coaches are doing it or encouraging it, I always get the impression that the coach doesn't have much confidence in his team's skills and needs to get whatever edge possible.

2017LHPscrewball posted:

Problem is things can get heated and it can bring tensions to a limit.

I guess this is my primary concern - and I place it squarely on the coach that encourages it.  

Coach doesn't have to stand in the batter's box...

Easy to act like an idiot when someone else is going to be the one to face any consequences.

When my baseball-playing son was in high school, the best team in our conference was big on chants and chatter.  When he faced them junior year, he got roughed up, and endured a loud, unpleasant experience--one he heard about all summer because a couple of those guys were on his summer team.

When he faced them senior year, they came in pumped up--undefeated and averaging more than 10 runs per game--and their dugout was at a crescendo from the first pitch. An infield single, an error, and a bunt single* loaded the bases in the first, and the noise from the dugout was deafening.

He restored some order by striking out one of his summer teammates to get out of the jam. Then he locked in and allowed only one other base runner the rest of the way.  His RBI single around the 3rd or 4th inning produced the game's only run.  

Their dugout settled down considerably by the second time through the lineup. By that time they had reached the "acceptance" stage of grief and realized neither their bats nor their voices would have any effect that night.

They were as quiet as pet fish while he nailed it down in the seventh.

Playing well really is the only answer to chatter.




*Stressed-out dad, five years later: "That's not a hit! They tried for the force out! It's a fielder's choice!"

2019&21 Dad posted:

Wow, I thought this junk would end with youth travel ball. Not a fan of the obnoxious, unsportsmanlike level of noise. Chatter and encouragement for your team is one thing; being disrespectful of your opponent and the game is another. Just one of the many reasons I try to sit far away from the other parents and the dugout during games.

Would you like the dances that go with them? There are also some good Marine Corp like chants. Actually, the best thing to do is tune it out and focus on the game. 

My daughter's 18u Gold team had pregame tees that said ...

We don't chant, we have class. We're only here to kick your ***

The other one said ...

We work ours off to kick yours

One of her high school teammates played on a very vocal travel team. Knowing continuous chants would make three of her teammates/classmates eyes roll she saved it up for one inning. This kid would explode from too much energy if she didn't let it out.

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We played a team last year that to my surprise was very "vocal" in the dug out.  Kid's good friend plays on the team, so I didn't expect the BS (to his credit that friend just played baseball, no BS).  On paper, we had zero chance of competing with them.  We'll after the 2nd inning, they needed to pull their pitcher and put their no. 1 in.  They eventually beat us, but we got them to "shut up."  

Back in travel ball I didn't condone a mouthy dugout. One day we were playing a very mouthy team right down to the coaching staff. They hadn't earned the stripes to be nasty which made it more offensive. I told our kids to tune it out and play the game. 

We broke the tie game when one of our kids hit a ball out that nearly cleared the tree tops. A normally quiet, dry wit kid came to the top step of the dugout and yelled, "Damn! That's going to be hard to find!"

I'm laughing now just thinking about it. I had to choke back laughter trying to act stern enough to tell the kid his yelling out was inappropriate.


Last edited by RJM
CalebsCatcher posted:

2019s twin sister is V SS, so we get to hear plenty, even if it doesn't happen in the BB games.

The most annoying is the "ball, ball, ball, ball......" Sounding like the seagulls in "Finding Nemo"

Glad it hasn't happened in BB here yet, daddy gets a little break.☺️

 I'm fortunate that I haven't encountered very much bantering from the opposing teams in baseball.   I know my sons HC wouldn't allow it in his dugout.   I'm really surprised this crap goes on in college.     Does it happen in MLB dugouts? 

These kinds of antics on a baseball field remind me of softball. And the one thing that I've always loved about baseball is, well, it's NOT softball. Doing these dances, acts, horseplay, etc are childish and unnecessary. But if a head coach allows them to do it then it's on him. I find it quite embarrassing to be honest. I guess I've just always enjoyed the sportsmanship and class that is displayed when observing a baseball game. 


lionbaseball posted:
CalebsCatcher posted:

2019s twin sister is V SS, so we get to hear plenty, even if it doesn't happen in the BB games.

The most annoying is the "ball, ball, ball, ball......" Sounding like the seagulls in "Finding Nemo"

Glad it hasn't happened in BB here yet, daddy gets a little break.☺️

 I'm fortunate that I haven't encountered very much bantering from the opposing teams in baseball.   I know my sons HC wouldn't allow it in his dugout.   I'm really surprised this crap goes on in college.     Does it happen in MLB dugouts? 

The major abuse at college games comes from the college age fans. They come prepared and often with a buzz on. They research opposing player's Facebook and Twitter accounts. They show no mercy. Heaven forbid a visiting player makes an error or K's. The home team fans are ready to pounce. Most of the players say a lot of it is far too funny to be considered abuse even if it's at their expense. They key is don't be distracted by it. It's what the fans are trying to accomplish. Acknowledgement brings on a barrage.

Mow the grass so the shortstop can see ...

Thankfully the softball team I help coach doesn't do the chants and in our area I really don't hear them.  But I am hearing from other teams is there is a designated "drummer".  This kid takes two softballs - one in each hand - and beats on the wall.  They try to have rhythm but they really don't and it's super annoying.  If they actually HAD rhythm it might be as bad but it's driving me nuts. 

We have a team in our section but not in our league that pretty much has our number since 2016 has been involved with the HS program - winning the section and going to states (in NY) several times and beating us in either the semis or finals of the section.  They are really good but from the moment the opposing pitcher steps on the mound until the end of the inning, every inning, the team screams like lunatics.  No chants, no taunts - just outright screaming, noise.  Sometimes there are some chants for their batter sneaking through but probably only the batter hears it.  It bugs the hell out of me in the bleachers but it never looks like our players in the field even hear it.  

We usually also play them once as a mandatory non-league game each year - and this year our second game is at their field.  The way it's set up now 2016 will have the road start there.  I feel like telling him to spend lots of time with the ball and have them scream themselves silly the first inning but the comments above are right, the only way to shut them up is to just shut them down.  

Every, and I mean EVERY, middle school and HS team in our area does this. Some teams bang bats on dug outs, but we don't go that far. Most kids it doesn't affect but a few opposing pitchers get rattled. If a pitcher gets wild, the opposing dugout claps/ yells/ cheers when he throws one in the dirt or to the backstop. Student fans get players gf names frome social media accounts and use them to taunt. It's been like that for years here. If a ss makes a bad throw while taking infield between innings the opposing dugout let's them have it. Cheering and clapping. If the opposing dugout is on the 1st base side, I've seen players start yelling "the ss can't throw! Everybody keep your gloves on!" And players scramble to get a glove on. It usually doesn't bother our players. Everyone is used to it really. Heck at a middle school game this week I was coaching first and the kids in the dugout were trying to spit seeds into the coaching box. I'm pretty sure if any would have it me they would've cheered like crazy. I thought it was funny. In the same game they had a pitcher that liked to throw over to 1st. Our kids started yelling a count out of how many times an inning he did it. He threw 2 away shortly after that. We never hear any chants though. That stays with softball and younger travel ball. I thought most HS games were like this now days. Just about every college game is.

2017LHPscrewball posted:

Maybe I'm looking for help our team's parents.  Our pitchers did pretty well, but I know our players did not appreciate the noise.  The teams were not really rivals per se, but you could bet our guys were apt to be a little more aggressive in making plays.  Never had a hard play, but I'd certainly recommend that you be able to back up that type of noise.  As for a parent watching the game, it sort of took away some of the enjoyment.

One of our district rivals have the reputation for being pretty brutal.  Players and fans in the stands.  The entire crowd.

Once I realized it bothered the boys very little and quite frankly fueled many of them to get their competitive juices flowing I just rolled with it.  The first two years of varsity ball my wife and her best friend would just be beside themselves.

I now find it funny.  I will even caught and give them credit when they come up with a good one.  At one point last year with son pitching they started calling my son my wife's name.  Pretty funny actually.

lionbaseball posted:
CalebsCatcher posted:

2019s twin sister is V SS, so we get to hear plenty, even if it doesn't happen in the BB games.

The most annoying is the "ball, ball, ball, ball......" Sounding like the seagulls in "Finding Nemo"

Glad it hasn't happened in BB here yet, daddy gets a little break.☺️

 I'm fortunate that I haven't encountered very much bantering from the opposing teams in baseball.   I know my sons HC wouldn't allow it in his dugout.   I'm really surprised this crap goes on in college.     Does it happen in MLB dugouts? 

Google Josh Donaldson Angels dugout.  That will show you what the interaction can be like at MLB level.  Not PG rated. 

Reminds me of my sons HS team last year. Lambert came to our field, ranked #1 in the country in 6A ball. They were obnoxious, but their students AND parents lined the  backstop to yell The kids had sleuthed out details via social media about a girl my son was talking to at the time and nothing was off the board. His name, her name, she's ugly, you suck, noise at every phase of his wind up, stretch, delivery etc. It was aggressive. 

I distinctly recall the 1st time (of 3) that he K'd the side, I believe it was the 3rd inning as as the Ump cranked the chainsaw on the 3rd batter, my son walked off the mound with his hand cupped to his ear (listening).......he K'd the site again in the 5th and 7th.

He one hit Lamert and that was a weak blooper to left just behind SS, he promptly picked that guy off at first. 

Compete game, 1 hit shoutout and believe me those S^&%heads got real quiet towards the end of the game and we got louder.....that was so sweet.

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