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Originally Posted by rynoattack:
Originally Posted by ABC_Dad:

Don't know if I'm lucky or not. My oldest is a Senior this year but my middle son is a Freshman so I have three more years, than a year break and then my youngest son will be a freshman. lol

I hate the parent meeting other than the fact that baseball is right around the corner.  Our coach comes off as abrasive and essentially just props himself and his staff up the whole time.  It is almost a complete waste of time.

My daughter graduated 2 years ago and my son is a senior.  We were lucky in that the ball programs were average (or worse) and they both started in softball/baseball all 4 years.  That means 6 straight years of the parent meetings, fundraisers, concession stands, announcer booth, etc. . . . .  I hate parent meetings and do not want to go, but need to show parents of younger kids that participation is important.  I have very good relationship with baseball coach, and luckily for us I have not seen any jealousy issues with respect to my son, (that I know of).


In the freshman year I sometimes stopped by practice for a few minutes, and my son was embarrassed by me being there (as he was 15), so I stopped going.  Now he is 17 and does not care, and I only occasionally stop by to deliver messages unrelated to HS baseball,  I usually only see the parents of the younger boys hanging around practice, I think mostly trying to see if their kids can measure up.


Truth is, every baseball high school situation is different.  When your kids are younger it is probably best to stay away more, but it is tough because that is what you have been doing for years -- taking him to practice and waiting to bring him home.  They need room to interact with coaches and friends without our involvement or input.  When they get older it does not matter as much to them, or to you, because you both know that they can take care of themselves because you allowed them room to breath and they proved themselves, (as they are still in school and on team).  Catch 22 I guess. .

Last edited by Aleebaba
Originally Posted by FoxDad:
Originally Posted by throw'n bb's:

Your confusing me, now you didn't attend because of work?  Totally get that, it's why I miss most of them, but that wasn't your stance in the first post, or at least not my take on your post.  You seemed to take the high brow approach that you didn't attend because parents shouldn't attend.  which one is it Obama?

How about both?  Is that so hard to understand?  Had I been able to attend I would not have out of respect for the coach's request. 


Care to explain the following statement:

" It has nothing to do with "trusting" the coach he knows less about the game than my daughter I wouldn't trust him with a 8u team if I was paying for it..."


Seems confusing to me.  Do you trust him or not? 



Originally Posted by rynoattack:

That's beautiful!  The poster comes off as acting like those who go to practice must be problem parents


I did not say all parents who attend practices are "problem parents."    Try reading and comprehending.......


So now it's the coaches request?  Then why criticize those who go?  My last comment on this subject It gives me tired head.  I couldn't care less what you think and you me, I'm out.

Originally Posted by biggerpapi:
Originally Posted by rynoattack:
Originally Posted by ABC_Dad:

Don't know if I'm lucky or not. My oldest is a Senior this year but my middle son is a Freshman so I have three more years, than a year break and then my youngest son will be a freshman. lol

I hate the parent meeting other than the fact that baseball is right around the corner.  Our coach comes off as abrasive and essentially just props himself and his staff up the whole time.  It is almost a complete waste of time.

How about, hey parents, come to the games, shut up, let us coach and let he boys play. 



I have a son who has graduated HS and is now in college and another one who is a Frosh in HS.  Baseball around here (IL) does not start for another month so I have not seen the baseball coaches speech/meeting yet.  I can say the above quote (shut up let us coach, kids play) is pretty much what they coaches say at every other sports meeting.  AD adds in that he will not discuss anything with a parent until the parent has talked to the coach and that the coach will not talk to the parent until the kid has talked to the coach first.  Having been it through these meetings with my older son I love sitting back and watching the parents reaction to "the speech".  Many of them don't believe it and are taken aback when they try to get involved.  My wife is an administrator in the district so I know many of the coaches personally and have heard some unbelievable stories.  

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