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    "Hope the alumni association will not need any donations in the future."

Good point 43. I think you're wondering about the right thing. Why switch around an entire MLB draft to accommodate a single administrator who seems not able, at least concerning this matter, to administrate effectively?

"Gee Billy Bob, you hafta' wonder if the administrators at dear ol' Independence High have any common sense at all? They're smarter than that...right?"......"Wonder no more Jeremy Joe...the answer is no!"

Last edited by gotwood4sale
You’re wondering about the wrong thing. Why not simply move the draft to July, or at least the middle of June and avoid any conflicts between MLB and education?

But then you have a conflict at the other end. Either you have to let the kid go to campus (and join the college team) and then sign or you have to force the kid to make his decision in a shorter timeline..
Originally posted by Stats4Gnats:
You’re wondering about the wrong thing. Why not simply move the draft to July, or at least the middle of June and avoid any conflicts between MLB and education?

Al: "Mrs. Lacey, did you know some players actually hire tutors and bring them into the dugout?"

Mrs. Lacey: "Really?"

Al: "Yes. Lou Gerhig actually had a tutor in the dugout."

Mrs. Lacey: "Didn't he die from a terrible disease?"

Al: "Yes he did, but he didn't catch it in the dugout. I think he caught it at school."

While it is only a movie, I doubt MLB's educational priorities will rise beyond where they are.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
But then you have a conflict at the other end. Either you have to let the kid go to campus (and join the college team) and then sign or you have to force the kid to make his decision in a shorter timeline..

So what if there’s a conflict on the other end? Are you saying a college coach isn’t capable of filling the hole in February for maybe 3 players who got drafted the previous June? Personally, I think it would be great because it would make them be much more careful about giving away a scholarship.
So what if there’s a conflict on the other end?

So what if there is a (rare) conflict at all?

This appears to be an administrator who is more concerned about himself than it is about anything else.

Why doesn't the NFL host its draft in June or July after school is out? To avoid education conflicts?

I have read about a few players this year who have missed Rookie camps, OTAs, etc because they were finishing schoolwork before reporting to the NFL facilities..
Originally posted by Stats4Gnats:
You’re wondering about the wrong thing. Why not simply move the draft to July, or at least the middle of June and avoid any conflicts between MLB and education?

With all due respect, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with education. Walking practice… education… really? It’s simply a power trip.
Do we really know enough to make this another board thread?
The MLB draft is held at this point because short season ball starts around June 20. MLB needs to get upwards of 1,000 players signed, have medical exams, assigned to a club, many to the ST facility for a 3-4 day orientation, off to the City to get housing, power, electricity, transportation and introduced to the community and actually be ready to play before thousands of fans in many, many communities which support MILB and love what it brings.
For this player, the rehearsal was Monday night.
The article says he was not drafted until the 4th round, which was Tuesday afternoon East Coast time.
The first round was Monday night from around 7pm to 10pm, EDT.
Too much is left out to know if an offer over $1M was anticipated sometime Monday night, which required an immediate response.
If an offer was on the table to be drafted on Monday night in the first round, it seems like it must have been rejected.
The article is completely wrong and creates a misleading impression by saying "And as it turns out, Buttrey's was right: He was picked by the Red Sox in the draft's fourth round on Monday night."
He was not picked Monday night. He was picked Tuesday afternoon.
Originally posted by daveccpa:
Some people in our country really lack common sense. Although the story isn't totally accurate as the 4th round was Tuesday during the day not Monday. But either way let the kid walk. He's earned it plus his getting drafted sure isn't bad for the sports rep at the school.

Adults acting like kids.

As I said before, the information is not accurate in a major way. How does anyone know the extent to which it is accurate or inaccurate or not beyond the clear...and significant error.
I don't have any opinion other than the opinion that the media guides, forms, shapes, and attempts to influence our thinking all the time. For me, the "common sense" is to realize when I read an article with a clear and fundamental error, and is told from solely one side, I should withhold my opinions, especially opinions on the views of others who post here.
Last edited by infielddad
Thanks VaRHPmom.
Seems like the adult actually did a very nice job in supporting the family, student and graduation. Also sounds like the adult has a great deal of respect for him, too!

""(Buttrey's) family made an assumption that because he didn't go, he was not allowed to walk in the graduation ceremony," Harrill said. "It was not until yesterday at 4 p.m. that I had the opportunity to meet with Ty and his mother. Ty apologized for his miscommunication. He's a very mature young man to be a senior in high school. He said he understood the district guideline and chose not to go to make the phone calls. I said, 'Had you asked me, I would have granted your excuse because I would not have wanted you miss out on graduation.'

"At this meeting, he asked if I would excuse his absence and of course, I said yes. The goal of every high school principal is graduation for our students. He deserves to graduate. He's a very good student. It's just unfortunate that what should be a positive event was overshadowed by negativity and sensationalism."

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