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Myself and a few other of the baseball folk from Central Illinois are trying to organize something similar to the Schaumburg Flyers Classic. We want to hold it in late April/early May at O'Brien Stadium in downtown Peoria. We have some issues/concerns that maybe you folks can give us direction on.

1) Teams-First and foremost, we need prospective teams. The Teams from the Peoria area that we know are in (because they're helping plan it) are Limestone and Illinois Valley Central. Other possibilities include (but they haven't been extended invitations): Galesburg, Springfield Sacred Heart-Griffin, Olympia, Beardstown, Rock Falls and Ottawa. Don't be concerned about the Class A schools on the list. They're more than willing to play up and they have the talent to hold their own.
We'd be looking at pairing these schools against the best of the best from the Chicago area and even St. Louis. So if anyone has suggestions for looking ahead one year, throw them out there. We're looking for teams that are traditionally very strong (in the Addison Driscoll, LaGrange Lyons vein) and teams that have also been blessed with major Division I/draftable talent.

2)Format-While I like Schaumburg's format, I'm not sure every coach likes burning at least three pitchers (at least) in one weekend, especially so late in the season. We're thinking of a shootout (for lack of a better term) format, with each team playing once on Friday and again on Saturday. Is pitching that much of a problem at Schaumburg or am I making too much of it?

3) Conference games-One of my cohorts raised a question about conference games. Are there some schools in the Chicago area that play conference games on the weekend?

For any coaches interested, you can e-mail me at We'd love to have you call come down and see our gem of a ballpark and see what Central Illinois baseball has to offer.

Thanks for your time,
Ben Diggle
Peoria Journal Star
Sports Dept.
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Just to update everyone, I spoke with Peoria Chiefs President Rocky Vonachen this morning, who oversees the use of O'Brien Field and who sort of pioneered this concept around here when he opened up the stadium to local high schools for five nights of games.
Rocky likes what he hears and he's got a May 4-6 weekend window this season and thinks he should have a similar one in 2008 when we want to do this thing. So we're looking good in that respect.
I've also spoken to two more coaches, Coach Bieterman at Driscoll Catholic and Coach Robin Lewis at Beardstown, and they are in along with IVC and Limestone. Things are really starting to pull together for this event.
Originally posted by CoachIU26:

So you think the games will be the first weekend in May? Any idea on the format? Other than us and Beardstown, IVC and Limestone, who are the other teams?

Also, thanks a lot for doing something like this, our kids are really looking forward to this.

Sean Bieterman
Coach Farquer and I are still trying to iron everything out. As far as the date, O'Brien Field has open weekend May 4-6, 2007 as both the Peoria Chiefs and Bradley University are out of town that weekend. In speaking with Peoria Chiefs President Rocky Vonachen, he anticipates the same happening next season, which would be May 3, 2008. But he won't know for sure until the Midwest League schedule is out in late May, early June.

That being said, even if O'Brien is booked that weekend, we could easily hold the Showcase at either EastSide Centre, which is the finest general baseball facility in the state, or at Limestone High School, which given that it's Jim Thome's home field, you know it's pretty nice (and possibly field-turfed if the AD (and former baseball coach) Jim Corpus gets his way soon.

As for format, we've settled on one game. If you want to play two and make a weekend out of it, I can no doubt find another strong team for you to play. It might not be at O'Brien, but it would still be a good challenge for your squad. I'd be willing to do the same for other teams that want to make a weekend of it, either with a Friday night game or a Sunday game.

As for other teams invited, we're still waiting. These are the teams Coach Farquer proposed in an e-mail yesterday: Springfield SHG; Olympia; Ewardsville; O’Fallon; Mount Carmel; Galesburg; Lockport; Moline; New Trier; Bradley-Bourbonnais; Naperville Central; Niles Notre Dame.

Galesburg and Olympia will surely round out the Peoria-area contingent. Coach Farquer started out as an assistant under Coach Gonzalez at Galesburg so that should be easy and I'll see Coach Smith on Sunday at the Greater Peoria Baseball Association meeting.
But if yourself, jarthur or anyone else has a recommendation on a high-quality team from the Chicago-Rockford area that doesn't play conference games on Saturdays, by all means let me know.

Ben Diggle
Last edited by Ben_Diggle

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