Many of your sons will make that much anticipated move up to college and college baseball in just a few weeks. I know when my son left I had many questions and few answers. I relied on the HSBBW to help me understand some of the changes that were about to take place. For the parents of freshmen, let me ease your mind. The first thing I noticed was how easily the players adjusted to each other. Maybe it’s because they have done this before when they joined a new team. The other thing I noticed was how they took the separation from the parents in stride...You know...the hug and “see ya later” and they just turn around and walk off with their new found friends .... while their Mother cries all the way home. I think the “homesick” feeling takes a while to build in your son. With our son it was about a months before he made any indication that he missed anything about what he had left behind. I think “Bingo” the dog was the first thing he missed.
I was pleasantly surprised how most players accepted the mundane responsibilities of taking out the garbage, washing clothes, and getting up in the morning without the prodding of us parents. I thought this would be a big problem but turns out it wasn’t with mine. Let me warn you ... there are exceptions! I did see one boy’s room that every piece of clothing this boy owned was on the floor, clean or dirty, it made no difference, mixed in with pizza boxes and aluminum cans.
Two things I had difficulty with. One was the long distance serious talks. It was difficult to have the parent/son talks over the phone and then hang-up and not be able to monitor his response or to look him in the eye. I had to modify my approach and temper my remarks. He never had any real problems but I can see that it would be difficult if he did being 7 hours apart.
The other was the long drives he would make from college to home and back. Christmas break and Thanksgiving historically bring bad weather and bad driving conditions. I would be on pins and needles and would always make it a point to have something to do to occupy my time while he made those trips while always being close to the phone.
College!! This is undoubtedly the greatest time of your son’s life. He’s building a foundation for his future! We all know that what he does in the next few years will always be HIS accomplishments as they should be. You deserve a little credit too ... because without your help and support he would not be where he is.
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