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Our Texas high school recently announced that baseball tryouts will now be held during the first couple of weeks that school begins.  In the past, as far as I know, tryouts have always occurred in November. The new schedule seems a bit unfair to me given that a lot of kids might have been limited in playing, working out, training, etc. over the summer due to COVID, and now lose the several months at school they normally had to get back into playing shape before attending November tryouts.  There was also no prior notice of the change.    

Is this the way that other high school programs normally do things?  Possibly, August tryouts are the norm in other places, who knows.  I'm candidly ignorant about other high school baseball programs do things and really don't want to form an opinion about this change without additional perspective.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.          

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Not sure where in Texas you live but my 16U, rising Junior, and my 13U players both played all summer and they are in baseball shape.  In fact, my 16 year old has fall travel ball tryouts today.  I can't imagine why, in Texas, a kid hasn't had the opportunity to play.


That aside, our highschool has baseball class for kids that only play that one sport.  Kids sign up for the class and show up.  Within the first week or two of school there is a round of cuts where kids that don't make it have a schedule change and get moved out of baseball class.  Then in January there is a 2 day tryout scrimmage where the non baseball class kids come in and all potential baseball players compete for spring roster spots.

This is a 6A high school in central Texas.

Last edited by 22and25

When things shut down for my son on 2/13 we talked about different scenarios and what he wanted to do. He decided to hit the weights and throwing program and be ready in case the high school season resumed. He said he wanted to stay in shape for scenarios like the one you described. 

I agree with 22&25. There are opportunities for kids to work out and stay in shape, and for most kids to play games. 

@22and25 posted:

Not sure where in Texas you live but my 16U, rising Junior, and my 13U players both played all summer and they are in baseball shape.  In fact, my 16 year old has fall travel ball tryouts today.  I can't imagine why, in Texas, a kid hasn't had the opportunity to play.


That aside, our highschool has baseball class for kids that only play that one sport.  Kids sign up for the class and show up.  Within the first week or two of school there is a round of cuts where kids that don't make it have a schedule change and get moved out of baseball class.  Then in January there is a 2 day tryout scrimmage where the non baseball class kids come in and all potential baseball players compete for spring roster spots.

This is a 6A high school in central Texas.

“Baseball class”?    
How cool is that. We are in Ohio, never heard of such a thing!


Last edited by RoadRunner

Ohio tryouts are in February. There are open gyms a few weeks before that. No coaching is permitted during the open gyms, just babysitting. It’s up to players to get/be prepared. Indoor season which is individual, started around October/November every year for mine, while also playing soccer.

It kinda stinks having the tryout moved up for your boy. But I have to ask, if he loves playing baseball, what was he doing all summer, which is the best time to play and improve?

Last edited by RoadRunner

Here in Virginia, VHSL rules prohibit tryouts or any practices by the HS baseball coach until mid-February.   Pre-Covid the season usually started in March.  VHSL spells out when tryouts can begin for each sport.

Not quite sure what is happening this year.  VHSL has pushed all fall sports to Nov - Jan, winter sports Feb - March and spring sports (including baseball) from April - May.  Schedules will be shortened and probably limited to a one game playoff and no state tournament to determine championships.  This is all subject to change.

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