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Please forgive me for hijacking this topic from the showcase thread, but no one has posted on that in over two weeks and I really need some quick advice!

We were debating about the PGame Main Event in December and whether or not we should go because it is during a NCAA "quiet period", therefore D1 coaches are not allowed.

Please see the below post I made and share any advice with me that you can!


We, too, need to make a decision on the PG Main Event in December and this post has me somewhat confused! Like 1Baseballdad, my son is a sophomore and we were doing this for the possible exposure and to hopefully start the process for early committment next fall. If we know we are only interested in D1 schools, and it's a fact that those coaches will not be there, should a sophomore even waste their time/money attending? (Please consider he will be attending the state university's camp next month and playing on a travel team next year that will participate in the PG Wood Bat Championship in Atlanta.)

Midlo Dad makes a valid point about needing the invite for the PGNational, but since he's just a 10th grader, is that likely anyway? I guess what I'd like to know from you guys is "are we jumping the gun", or will the opportunity compensate for the $1000 this trip will set us back?

I appreciate any more clarification you can give this newbie, and would also like to take this time to tell everyone how much I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!
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I might be wrong but I think this PG showcase and most other PG showcases are more about getting an evaluation and a rating from PG than being seen that day by recruiters. The PG tournaments are where the coaches attend to scout kids.

Once you go to the showcase your son will get a rating and written evaluation and be put into the PG data base. Coaches use the PG site to gather and confirm information about high school players they hear about or see. If the PG staff likes what they see and gives your son a high rating he may be invited to other PG showcases and events which really help with exposure.

I would recommend going to this or another PG showcase. If things go well it could put your son on the radar early IMO.
2012 Parent,

Welcome to the site! Smile

As fillsfan mentioned above, an important element of attending the major events like this is to give the scouts at Perfect Game a chance to see your son playing against the best competition in the country (your son's competition for DI roster spots).

There are many tourneys and showcase events across the country, and many "scouting" organizations. The PG main event in Jupiter is kind of the "gold standard" for events, and Perfect Game's evaluation is the "gold standard" for evaluations, in terms of credibility with DI coaches and pro scouts.

As far as whether it's essential for a 2012 grad ... probably not essential, but definitely beneficial, IF the player is truly a DI prospect. Perfect Game scouts can make a more in-depth evaluation if they see your son multiple times over a period of a year or two, to watch his progress and help project his future development.

That's just my opinion based on the last 7-8 years of watching the progress of other high-level players (DI and pro prospects) from their early HS years thru college and beyond.

Hi, 2012 Parent. My son is a 2011. Last year, he went to the this event and it was extremely valuable to him as a sophomore for a couple of reasons. One reason is to see how he matched up with the best 2010s in the country, and if we were targeting the right "next level." The second reason was the evaluation. It was clear, concise, positive, and gave us a very clear picture of what he needed to work on.

I don't see 2B as someone who will be invited to the national showcase, and personally I don't think that is a reason to attend. The guys that we know who have been invited to that either throw 90 (either from the mound or across the diamond) or are speed demons or big-time power hitters. The solid contact hitter with "advanced balance and footwork, smooth infield actions" Smile most likely isn't going to garner that kind of attention. But I know for a fact that the D1 coaches (and maybe others) who are following at 2B have seen his PG profile and will be looking for him to show improvement this year.

No, I don't think you are jumping the gun. Besides that, Ft. Myers is beautiful in December! Smile
Last edited by 2Bmom
My player did two showcases, one of them in Ft Myers at the underclass event, many years ago, he did well and I do believe this opened many doors for him. His rankign was a 10 and that got lots of D1 attention. He did this showcase after he performed well at the Wood bat tourney in Jupiter that year. But he was a junior, I realize recruiting begins much earlier these days. Remember, only a very few players get very early offers the fall of their junior year. These include the top players in their graduating class.

We live in state so it was a no brainer to attend, but be prepared because there are lots of many very good players from this state amnd the SE that attend. I agree with MN-Mom, not necessary but could be beneficial. I am not sure I would use this trip as a prelude to an early commitment, but that is just my opinion.

The most important thing to consider, is your son ready as a sophomore to attend? We held off, only because one year later son was much bigger, much stronger and ready to showcase his skills. If you feel he needs an evaluation to work on skills, then it definetly should be considered. If he is already being watched as a potential top player, sometimes too early is too much, espeically for pitchers. If you are from FL, there are scouts watching everywhere and those scouts make recommendations to D1 coaches.

Will you ever get a return on your money that is spent showcasing your son's skills, probably not, do it for the enjoyment and education only if HE wants to go.
I agree completely with TPM. Your son needs to be mentally and physically ready to play with and against some very, very good players, and he needs to be able to not get down on himself if he isn't as successful as he would like to be. He is only a sophomore, after all.

Also, keep in mind that, while being ranked a 10 is awesome, your son doesn't have to be ranked a 10 to be considered D1 material. Especially as a sophomore, he needs to take the ranking and the evaluation with an open mind and use it as a starting point.

2B was ranked a respectable 7, which for us was great for a young sophomore against that kind of competition. Then he had a great summer playing in WWBA 16U national tournaments, plus some locally scouted tournaments here in FL. Now he is being actively recruited at the D1 level, and it is an exciting time! We expect his ranking to go up this year because he is bigger, stronger, and more confident. But I don't expect he'll ever be a 10, and that is just fine.

Best of luck to you and your son. See you in Ft. Myers!
Hi 2012 Parent,
State University camp is a great idea if you want to go there.

WWBA Georgia is great event if 1) you are going just for the fun of the tournament and to compete, or 2) if you get on a contending team.

The reason I mention contending team is that in our experience with WWBA GA the scouts did not wander from the East Cobb Complex much... Typically teams only get one game scheduled at the East Cobb Complex unless you get into championship play.... And if it rains you might not even get the one at the complex. Go to GA for the experience not the recruiting. Go to Jupiter for the recruiting. Or the AZ Junior/Senior Fall Classic for the recruiting.

(I know I have posted this before so if you have already read it I apologize.)................

As for the PG event. GO! Here is why. Perfect Game will get your player in their system with a rating and description.

Say your kid is a catcher his profile will list his photo, height, weight, personal information, running speed, his pop time, his throwing velocity, a summary will follow. With words that recruiters understand like projectable, upside, juice to his bat, handsy, good use of hands, uses his hands some, good foot work, solid defensive skill, maybe developing defensive skill, uses lower half well etc... good or neutral comment it is recruiter speak and they get what is being put down.

Then the player gets a rating which is usually fairly accurate and recruiters have developed a solid trust that what is being said is fairly accurate.

Now Mr. South East State Univ Recruiter goes to the to the PGCrosschecker site and uses their advanced search. Hmmmm. I need a catcher so lets start with all catchers from rated a 9 or above. (why not start at the top)... OK not I got my list and gosh only 2 are uncommited so I will expand my search down to 8.5s and so on until I get a list of uncommited players to work from. Now because PG affililiates with BBWebtv the same recruiter can access his skills workout video and some game action.

That recruiter has a fairly full view of skill and never left his chair, never spent a dime, did not violate a rule and has a very real list of prospects to work with. Now he just has to go watch a few specific kids he is interested in with a good base of knowledge to expand on.

If your player has some real skill get him to a PG showcase. If he performs well it really is worth it.

Now as a secondary help when your son writes letters to colleges he can also tell the school that he has a profile at PG and video at BBWeb TV. It is helpful.

Now I will tell you that my sons first showcase he was tight as a drum and did not perform well. So we took him back to another. Actually my son went to a few because we live in an area where they are accessable without travel. However I actually think you should plan on doing at least one a year for progression charting and progression video.

We never had one bad experience.

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