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Did right:
1.Married his mom (she’s got the 6 footers on her side of the family tree)
2.Found a good pitching coach when he was 12 that taught him the importance locating a fast ball and using a changeup vs. falling in love with curveball at young age
3.Found quality coaching (HS & Travel) that provided good instruction as well as protected him from being abused (pitcher)
4.Made sure he had the opportunity to be seen by the decision makers (college coaches, pro scouts, Perfect Game)
5.Took tons of pictures and didn’t miss many games
6.Didn’t buy into too much of the hype Wink

Do over:
1.Wouldn’t let him to play as much baseball (spring, summer, fall) in his younger years.
2.Wouldn’t have spent so much on the travel ball at young ages.
3.Got too wrapped up in how he was doing at young ages (9-12), conversely I became too passive in the years between 13-15. Luckily I found HSBBW around the time he was 15 and found that I needed to get a bit more involved again.
4.Bought into too much of the hype Wink
Last edited by jerseydad

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