CADad brings up some good points and I don't want to get too off topic in the Stirde Foot forum, so lets talk the hit and run.
To make it as basic as it can be, the goal of a hit and run is to at the least move the runner from first to second. The best case scenario would be first to third or even getting lucky and driving the runner in, but the goal is at the least to move the runner.
I have always been taught to keep the ball out of the middle of the field (to stay out of a double play), and to try and keep the ball from being in the air (to ensure the runner gets moved over).
Whether the hitter shoots the 4 hole or the 5.5 hole doesn't really matter as long as it is their goal. IMO, it depends on the loacation of the pitch as to which hole you should be shooting for.
As a left-handed hitter, I feel that I can always roll over a pitch and ground a ball to the right side. In theory I could try and do this every time on a hit and run. However, being a left handed hitter means that the shortstop will almost always cover second on a hit and run, so the bigger hole would be there.
I believe that the hitter should hit the ball where it is pitched on a hit and run, but they should keep in mind that for a lefty the 5.5 hole will be bigger and vise versa with the 4 hole and a right hand hitter.
CADad, hopefully this answers some of you questions.
Feel free to add your own questions or comments here.
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