I've been reading this website for a couple of years now and I really enjoy the knowledge I have accumulated. Thanks to everyone.
I've never wanted to post but I had a hbp situation come up in one of my games a few weeks ago worth mentioning.
Close high school varsity ballgame late innings, bases loaded, 3-2 count and the batter fouls off 2-3 pitches. I'm watching him move closer to the plate with each foul and his final stance is legally in the box as far close to the plate as possible. I can see it coming but I'm hoping the catcher sets up out side, nope, he's coming right on the inside corner. Then I'm thinking maybe he drills him and it's a no brainer, nope. Here comes the next pitch and the genius drops his left elbow right in the strike zone and "takes one for the team". He drops his bat and heads to first. I proceed to call him out and I'm waiting for the hc. Of course he comes in yelling and screaming that's there's no way his batter can be out on a hbp. I let him yell for a few seconds before I calmly explain to him that he purposely dropped his elbow in the strike zone on a pitch I would have called a strike, he's out, end of story. He continues to scream that he couldn't have leaned over that far from where he was in the box and draws a line in the dirt where he thought he was standing.

I tell him maybe he can get a better angle on the next one from the bus, go find a seat.
Thanks again everyone.