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First we all need to understand that hitting is a personal thing and that everyone is different and like different things. There are some similarities in all swings but let's face it - they are all different.

Bluedog - I don't believe the Luis Gonzalez clip is helpful because it seems to be during the homerun derby (look at all the people sitting in foul territory). To hit homeruns in derby setting is MUCH different than real hitting

The clip of Nomar he can put his foot down and swing almost at the same time because he saw a curve ball. He probably knew or was anticipating a curve ball based on the scouting report. I may be wrong but if you find a clip where he is facing a hard thrower I am pretty confidant you will find he gets the foot down pretty quickly.

The Adam Dunn clip is too quick for me. I watched several times and I guess I am too old to catch anything - sorry.

I teach my kids to get the foot down and have a reasonable amount of time to react to the pitch. Inside - react and outside - wait. Waiting is the hardest thing in the world to do but you have to do it. Outside soft toss is a good drill to work on your outside swing but you just need to get a guy on the mound and throw to the outside corner.

You are going to find guys who get the plant foot down and immediately start the swing and you are going to find guys who will get the foot down and wait a milisecond.

Also, we are comparing 12 year old to 18 year olds to major leaguers. Would you really teach Craig Counsell's swing to a young kid? What works for them is because they are a freak of nature and HAVE to do things like that to stay on the ball.
Maybe this has been discussed before but I missed it. A successful hitting coach of a major D1 was talking the other day and pointed out something. He stated that almost every MLB player came up on his back toe and some even leave the ground with the back toe or drag it a short distance. He stated he had reviewed hundreds of films and this was almost a 100% common item. No squash the bug type stuff. I also studied numerous clips and they almost, to the player, get up on the toe or come off the ground during the swing. This brings a couple of questions; 1) In your opinion, why is this? Is it to allow a more complete rotation and follow through and too avoid beginning bat deceleration too soon, or is it they swing with such velocity that it pulls their foot up, or what? 2) How do you teach a high school age player to get this more complete energy transfer without lunging?
Last edited by Michael'sDad
How do you teach a high school age player to get this more complete energy transfer without lunging?

Michael'sDad, it's not as simple as, do this and this.....You must, first, understand how connection, rotation and the correct use of posture, fits in with efficient body movement in a high level swing........If you get that understanding, you will figure out the best way for you to teach it....

I don't know your level of understanding this stuff, but, there is information available that is very good.....
Last edited by BlueDog
Great use of technology first off.

I think your swing is fine. On the view from the front you might be over rotating your back foot a little too much. It doesn't affect the swing but it will slow you down out of the box because you will have to take a step to regain your balance. Look at how when you are finished with your swing you need to take a step to keep from falling down.

The "no strde" you take could actually be very helpful to you if you get it down correctly. You just lift your heel up slightly and then put it back down. If you face someone throwing pretty hard / fast you are not going to waste time with a high leg kick. If you are seeing someone slower or throwing outside you can just keep the heel off the ground longer to help yourself stay back.

Your front foot doesn't open too early and opens when your body comes through but you are not too far open.

One thing you need to remember about your back leg is that if it goes straight DURING your swing then you have too much weight shift foreward and you need to rotate more and "stay back" more. Overall you don't do this but just watch out for it.

Overall I think you have a good swing. Maybe someone who is smarter than me will find something you need to improve on but I would tell you to keep swinging if you played for me.
Liastros, thanks for the clips....This kind of stuff helps us all...... Smile

How do you hit the low pitch?...And, outside pitch?

Any way of giving us a clip of those?....This will tell alot as to what you are doing in your swing....It's hard to critique a swing hitting grooved pitches down the middle.....Your potential definitely looks good.....
Last edited by BlueDog

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