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Are you hitting grounders? To which side? Are you trying to pull pitches on the outer half of the plate? Also when you do cage work are you hitting pitches that are being "groved" for you or do you work on pitches that are outside or a bit off the plate. Do you have trouble with any particular pitch location?

One thing that my son has learned to do is analyze each at bat. After a game he can recall every pitch for each of his at bats. Location as well as pitch type and he knows what he did with each one. This skill took a little while to develop but it is invaluable as he trys to improve his offensive portion of the game. It is hard to correct a mistake when you have no idea what is going on, as far as pitches go.
Last edited by floridafan
SOunds like a mental issue, not a physical thing. Sounds like your anxious, try taking the first pitch and then look for a pitch that is in a particular zone - say you like the ball belt high over the outside part of the plate. Tell your self you won't swing unless you get that pitch.

It might be a good idea to put yourself in some live game scenarios during practice.

Also on my team, I pick a different player to put at bat and I'll put something on the line. I'll say if Jimmy gets a hit in this last at bat of practice, we will only run sprints around the bases 5 time. If he fails to get a hit, we will run 10 times. It really helps players focus their nerves in pressure situations.

Good luck and keep us posted of your progress.

You ain't alone in this. See it alot in fact. Its all mental and usually it's how you are appraoching the at bat that is the issue. I'd bet most of your swings are almost defensive in nature.

In the cage, you are expecting every pitch to be a hittable and are mentally ready to swing at each pitch. You are saying "yes" to every pitch and are in the attack're ready to hit because you are expecting to hit.

Come game time many players change their mental approach and are waiting to see if a pitch is good. They trust the machine/coach in the cage to throw strikes but not the pitcher in the game. They are trying the "no, no..yes" approach and are late on everything if they hit at all. They are waiting for the pitch to "prove itself a strike" before being ready mentally to swing.

Be thinking "yes" on every pitch even before you see it. Easy to go "yes," but almost impossible to do "no,no...yes" with a swing. Easy to stop a swing but very hard to start a swing and catchup. You have to be aggressive as a hitter but it has to be controlled aggression. Know your hitting zone and attack the ball; also with 2 strikes you'll hear "protect the plate" careful and don't get passive because with 2 strikes that is the time to be aggressive and get the bat off your shoulder. You can't protect if you ain't ready to swing.

Remember you are striding to see the ball not to commit to swinging. If you stride, early is alot better than late. Good luck.

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