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This winter I saw at least 40 righthanded varsity pitchers throw in games at the Jack Cust indoor league. Only a handful did a good job holding runners at first on every pitch. Is this bad coaching or is it too much to ask most high school pitchers to hold runners for fear they cannot focus on pitching? It seems to me that the better pitchers also do a good job holding runners. Any thoughts?
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I belive there is a lack of emphasis on "controlling the running game" by coaches. The emphasis should not be on picking them off but slowing them down. Techiques such as varied timing of delivery, quicker delivery via gather-n-go and slide step, pickoff moves, steping off, understanding the situation including score, speed of BR, count on batter are some points of emphasis the should be engrained into the pitchers psyche. On the other hand some of the most successful pitchers of all time have been terrible at holding runners (Greg Maddox) with the belief if he focuses on getting the job down on the hitter he won't have to worry about the baserunner.
Im glad someone brought this up because this is one of my pet peevs. Part of being a pitcher is holding runners and fielding as well. There are areas of the game at the HS level that get overlooked by some coaches. Baserunning, Bunt game o, bunt game d, cut plays, 1st and 3rds d and o and yes holding runners. This is one of those little things that rarely bite you when you are superior to your opponent but beat you when you are not. Everyday during bp you can work on holding runners and pfp as well as baserunning. You have to take the time to work on these areas if you are going to properly develop yours players and your team. The fact is you dont steal on the catcher you steal on the pitcher. Pitchers that are taught well in holding runners are more comfortable when runners are on and will pitch much better than guys that are not. They also will help their team win games as well. Good topic

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