Well their are so many camps to choose from during Christmas break.
Recently my football coach gave me this flyer to a sports performance camps, I havn't had to the chance to ask him more about it, but the camp is runned by Advantage Sports Performance. Their are 3 days. Day one is secrets of gaining speed and agility, day two is training the core for success and injury prevention, and day three is sport specific strenghth and power development, and each day includes a presentation on sports nutrition. Here is a link to their website. www.advantagesportsperformance.com
I'm going next weekend to one of my Dad's friends who works in sports nutrition and training, and he's going to set me up with a nutrition plan. So I don't think I will benefit from that part of the camp.
My question is, am I better off going to a baseball camp such as the Lemoyne camp or going to the advantage sports camp?
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