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My son is home schooled - he is now a Junior in HS. He also is dual enrolled in a Community College currently taking Spanish and English 101. Does anyone know if my son will need to take the SAT/ACT if he finishes certain classes at the Community College (more than one year's worth)? By the time he graduates from HS he will have completed more than a year's worth of classes, and possibly almost two year's worth - this would include College Algebra, both English courses, etc. Any home schooling parents out there who can help?
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We are a home schooling family also, though my baseball player attended public HS to participate in athletics. (Big regrets about that, but everything has worked out well for him.)

Our 2nd child is home schooling thru HS, and like yours, is taking a few Juco courses for core subjects in college. She is applying to colleges now.

Every college wants an SAT/ACT score. Our daughter has an SAT score. Every college wants course transcripts. If you haven't kept accurate home school records of courses and grades, start reviewing your past years and build the transcripts now. The colleges will also want to see the transcipts from your son's Juco courses. I would expect many of these credits to transfer as core requirements.

Though I have no experience with this, I would advise being careful about finishing 2 full years of credit hours in Juco. NCAA athletes have 5 years of college to use 4 years of athletic ability. You may have inadvertently started that 5 year clock.

Most of all, start communicating with the admissions office of the schools you are targeting. They are always friendly and almost always helpful.
Google is your friend. See this page: Home School FAQ I don't see any special regulations for home schoolers in this document.

Here is an NCAA report authorized by Mr. Brand. Working group meeting 2/14 - 2/15 2006 No changes anticipated for home school eligibility.

This article from Home School World is interesting but dated. There is good advice, but the 'home school waiver' is no longer required. (See FAQ refrence in first link.)

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