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What a difference a day makes. On one day Jim Hendry is thrilled about landing Fukudome, and the next day he makes the decision to release Mark Prior. I know it makes sense, certainly financial sense, but a sad day for Cub fans nonetheless. I hope he continues to heal, and will be back pitching for someone the second half of 2008.
I am a Packer fan, so Ditka isn't a big issue with me. I don't5 remeber him ever saying he could win with any team. I don't think Ditka was the reason the Bears were "broken up". I think they didn't repeat because they lost Leslie Frasier and their quarterback was hurt. Ditka chased Buddy Ryan out of town, not players.

AS for Krause, he couldn't get free agents because Jordan was mad at Reinsdorf dissing him when he gave him the 33 million onwe year deal. I agree Krause's statement was arrogent, but that is not why free agents didn't come.

Incidently, organizations do win or lose. They aquire or don't aquire the proper talent. Isn't that why you are attacking KW?
The list has already surfaced.

Personally, I think it is a msitake to make it public. They say 60-80 and there were probably many more doing it who won't get mentioned. I would be interested to see who in management/mlb knew it was going on and did not say anything. It smells of a witch hunt and now everyone on that list like Clemon & Petitte are going to hire lawyers and sue. It will never end.
If there is evidence that 60 or 80 players or whoever purchased steroids or HGH, and it is documented, I think that the public has a right to know who they are. As for suing, I don't know who they'd sue and from whom they'd collect, but it is what it is. I also acknowledge that from the time that steroids became illegal in MLB, there have been over 5,000 players come thru the turnstiles. So, will this report have uncovered every single cheater, of course not. But, that doesn't excuse those who have been caught. If fans want to put this in the past and don't think it is relevant any longer because MLB does have a strong testing program, that's up to them. It won't keep me from going to the park. Just my opinion.
Last edited by itsrosy
Maybe you can help me out on this one. I thought steroid were a controlled substance? That would make it illegal, regardless of your job description. Otherwise, I could go to the store and buy prednizone or whatever. I am in confusion why they say that it wasn't illegal in MLB? If it is illegal for everyone than why would they have been excluded? Makes no sense..... set me straight because I realize I ain't the smartest tool in the shed.
If their name is in the report, they cheated. There is not an explanation, they just cheated. People need to stop excusing this behavior or talking about how they are the victims. Bud Selig ought to throw them out of baseball,and if the players' union resists he ought to test everyone in the league the next day. Let's put an end to this in baseball. It's a shame.

As for Pettite and Clemens, we are not talking about the National Enquirer linking them to drug usage. The former Senate majority leader has published information linking them to usage of steroids from their trainer. That sounds like a guarantee they cheated. I really don't believe that they have any case to sue or pursue any other measures of legal expertise. Even if they do, who cares? Let them pursue all the legal action they wish, it still does not excuse the fact that there is credible evidence they cheated.

If this was swimming or track and field what would happen to these players? Why does baseball get the free pass? I bet this whole process makes Marion Jones wish she was a baseball player.
CPLZ, tough question. I think if we knew conclusively about widespread steroid use starting back in the early '90's,fans myself included may have felt betrayed and pulled back from the game. But today's revelations about past crimes, when we know that an effective testing program is now in place, albeit without a testing program for HGH, I think the game is already much cleaner than it was 10 years ago. But, players will always be searching for ways to cheat and MLB must remain on the cutting edge of technology and testing techniques. As of now, I'm still going to try an buy a ticket. I don't know if I answered your question, but I tried.
Last edited by itsrosy
ncdad42, it is silly. Steroids were illegal by law, but Major League Baseball didn'tg have a rule about them. I would hav ethought they would have had a rule that by doing ANY illegal drug, whether it is steroids,or cocain, you should be kicked out. apparently they didn't have a rule like that. But if you violate laws of the Country, it ought to violate laws of the sport whethter the sport wrote it down or not.
MLBRumors is reporting that the Brian Roberts deal is dead. Said that the O's wanted Tyler Colvin (already a Steve Stone favorite) or Felix Pie plus multiple pitchers. If true, it's too bad if you're a Cub fan. He would have been the long, sought after true leadoff man. I had hoped that Andy McPhail had one more bad deal left in his pocket.
Last edited by itsrosy
Look for Crede to play 3rd, Uribe in the middle infield and the Sox to pick up Dotel for the 8th inning.

This would give the Sox the best late inning relief corps in the game, joining the best defensive infield in the AL.

Is Colon next?

If he is then one of the youngsters,probably Floyd moves to long relief.

Things are looking better on the south side!
Originally posted by soxnole:
Look for Crede to play 3rd, Uribe in the middle infield and the Sox to pick up Dotel for the 8th inning.

This would give the Sox the best late inning relief corps in the game, joining the best defensive infield in the AL.

Things are looking better on the south side!

Soxnole, My doctor says that there's something going around making usually normal folks somewhat delusional, and you've obviously caught it! I've got a ****** thermometer which should help you and no, I didn't buy it in Wrigleyville! LOL.
Last edited by itsrosy
Soxnole - with that blind and nowhere rooted in reality optimism I'm thinking you were a Cubs fan like Btil back in the 60's, or somewhere along the line.
The Sox could very easily finish last this season. If you can trumpet that much optimism for a sinking ship like the Sox please go to Wall Street on Tuesday and convince the country and world that our economy is doing fantastic and the future looks bright.
I'm just not seeing much good going on at the cell but it will definitely be interesting to watch as always.

You cub fans just know too many wishy washy types because of the neighborhood or the 99 years or maybe because those cubs always have a way about them that makes you want to think of or do something else!

I look at this thing as a birth right. No cub fan here...ever. You might call that bet your sweet arse...guilty.

Dotel makes the late inning relief as good as any.

No sinking ship...that was last year.

Williams is doing just fine.

On paper the Sox are better than the cubs.

(Better at RF-catcher-SS-2B-Relief staff-DEFENSIVELY)Equal at 1st-3b-cf. Starting Pitchers are also even. Left field is the only position that the cubs can claim.

The Problem: The Division we play in.......The NL Least compared to MLB's Best!
Last edited by soxnole
Originally posted by itsrosy:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by soxnole:
Dotel makes the late inning relief as good as any.

No sinking ship...that was last year.

Williams is doing just fine.

Soxnole, Octavio Dotel has been passed around more than a cheap hooker, and he's your savior?

Yeah, even the Astros got rid of him. He's good when his fastball moves, and absolutely horrible when it doesn't, which it hasn't in the past 3 years. Good luck with him, I hope he does well.

You're right about one thing (finally) no sinking ship on the South Side, because it's still under water.
Last edited by Glove Man
GW, Is that rig a "long neck"?

Soxnole, I see that the Sox released David Aardsma. I don't know about you, but I liked that young hurler. First, as a Rice Owl, then a Cub, and yes, after the Cotts trade I thought he may have found his home on the southside. He is still very young, with a great arm and I hope he will hook on with a team before spring training and have some success.

Aardsma, like McDougall and a plethora of other "big league" arms that are 95+ just can't seem to get hitters out. Unfortunately the Sox seem to have had more of this type than other organizations. Blame it on Cooper I guess, on the other hand he seems to work well with veteran pitchers...maybe you have to be "coachable and approachable" which many youngsters are not!

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