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Just because Furcal had a brain cramp why did they pull Hudson?

Agreed it didn't work out this time, but Farnsworth had been lights out in every other appearance since he came to Atlanta. I don't see how Bobby can be second-guessed for going with his only reliever who has been absolutely rock solid.

On another note, it appeared that Joey Devine was in way over his head. Granted he's probably going to be a great pitcher, but it seems that he's been brought along way too fast. There are always stories about players who were ruined by being brought up too early, I hope Devine doesn't turn into one of those.
Last edited by StyleMismatch
Styles - David clyde was the poster boy for being brought along to early. Hopefully, that kid is not rushed. There was a thread here just the other day that said the Braves are famous for not rushing their players to the big leagues. We'll see.

Obviously, the Astros have some great pitching. They lost some pretty serious fire power however, with Beltran and other injuries this year. It would seem Phil Garner would be a strong candidate for manager of the year in the NL.
Last edited by ClevelandDad

On another note, it appeared that Joey Devine was in way over his head. Granted he's probably going to be a great pitcher, but it seems that he's been brought along way too fast

I don't think it appeared that way at all!
He struck out 3 batters! I think you are not going to second-guess Bobby on the Farnsworth decision and we shouldn't second-guess him on the Joey Devine decision either....IMO

I think there is a difference between challenging a player and rushing a player. With Cox in charge and his incredible accomplishments....I don't think Devine would have been on the playoff roster if there was a question about him be ready to face the pressure. Now, because he was the one who gave up the game winning hit, we jump to conclusions.

I cried yesterday for both the hitter and for the pitcher. Put your son in the box or put him on the mound. Great compassion for both experiences and most of us, I am sure, went to sleep last night with Joey Devine in our hearts.
Originally posted by lafmom:
I just can't believe I missed this game. pull_hair

You missed a good one. I actually missed the winning homerun. The wife needed something from grocery store and I held off as long as I could. I did switch my XM on to listen while driving there. And wouldn't you know it, while I was in the store Burke hits the winning HR.

It was a great game.
This will be an extremely exciting championship series. The Astros have to be the hottest team in the national league coming into this final series. They definately have a dominating starting rotation. Come on when Oswalt is throwing as your #3! They have also demonstrated great teamwork in this past series against the Braves.

I would think that they are now the favorite in lieu of the Cardinal's recent bullpen debacles and suspect pitching. (After the first couple of starters.) Add to this that Phil Garner has done such an outstanding job and...

I can't wait to see these games.

Last edited by CoachB25
I'm with Chill on this, I though Devine did ok for the 1.3 innings he was in. 1 hit and 3 k's in a game beyond his years. After listening to the Devine audio on, he sure doesn't sound like a player that doesn't belong. If he would have won we would hear nothing but praise for bringing the guy in. One pitch that was not perfect and all of a sudden he's to young
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

Being a big Cardinal fan it's nice to see you recognize the bonafide talent in the Astros. How can anyone not respect Clemens for his performance Sunday. Garner is getting it done. Your beloved Cards are not out of it by any means.

gotwood4sale, as you know, the best way to address playing an opponent in baseball is to first realize that on any given day and any given series, anyone can win. Next, you'd better identify their strengths in order to also know their weaknesses. THIS IS GOING TO BE A GREAT SERIES. I doubt that I have missed many Cardinal games this summer either watching on TV or, as I prefer, sitting outside my garage and while watching the world pass by, listening to them on the radio. I'm kinda of fanatical at times. However, the Astros are one of those organizations that are trying to do justice to the game and so, I really respect them. (There are some organizations that I don't respect.)
CoachB25 :

I sure hope you were watching tonight when Pujols whacked that one off Lidge. I don't think the radio could do it justice!

Best video clip of the night is the one showing Pettite in the dugout as Pujol's ball was still in flight. There was no audio but you could read Pettite's lips. The words from his lips were very distinct..."Oh my God!" He truly was in awe of that hit.

As a White Sox fan I am not unhappy that the NL series has not been decided yet. I hope they're still playing Thursday night!
I don't think Lidge was much hitting his spots last night, so aggressive or not didn't come into it.

One strike away from the WS with Lidge on the mound and little 5-foot-nothin-buck-sixty Ecktein is up. He could NOT make the last out, not with the job he's turned in this season. But who would have taken a bet at that moment that the Cards would come back?

I think Lidge/Ausmus were getting clever with Edmonds because of JE's (ahem) strike zone issues.

When Lidge threw that first slider to knew he was looking for it again on the next pitch. That was Brad's mistake. AP showed the stadium what a HR looks Crawford Boxes job for him.

And on the road.

Last night's "decision-making" solidifies my belief that ANYONE who has ever purchased baseball cards qualifies as being eligible to "manage" a professional baseball team!


Pitch to Pujols, the 2nd best hitter in baseball (Bonds is the best), when there are 2 outs and you have Reggie (hope I don't get hit on the top of the head trying to catch fly balls)Sanders on deck.

Reggie is hitting about 1/2 of what Pujols is hitting and all he can hit is knee high fastballs. Anything up and any off speed stuff and RS is history.

See...We can ALL be major league managers.
TR, too bad he didn't go for it with Edmonds. I agree with rz1. Gotta go hard after Edmonds. Worse case scenario, you are tied.

Once that didn't happen, I'd rather take my chances with Sanders as opposed to Pujols.

Everyone (including Lidge) knew he made a mistake, which happens and what makes baseball so great.

BTW, has it landed yet? Eek
Last edited by FrankF
TR...EVERYONE IN THE WORLD knows that Sanders can't hit anything except a low fastball. Why do you think he gets traded so often (besides the fact that someone doesn't want to see him "conked" on the head with a flyball)?

Man, I thought Manny was bad as an outfielder...this guy, Sanders, makes Manny look like a Gold Glover!

RS can't hold AJ's jockstrap...simple as that.

When you play the Cardinals, you NEVER let Pujols beat you. Force someone else to step up. Simple as that.
I sat there last night, as the Astros were about to win (and being a Cards fan) thinking that baseball is a great game no matter who wins. I also sat thinking that you never know . . . but without much hope. And then Pujols! Wow.

I ran back to his bedroom and woke up my 16 year old son. Normally he would be watching but has been ill lately. He woke up long enough to give me a feeble high five and then fell back asleep.

Wednesday ought to be fun.
Orlando: Your comment ...

"One strike away from the WS with Lidge on the mound and little 5-foot-nothin-buck-sixty Ecktein is up".

As I commented on another thread it appears that David Eckstein is really considered a pest if he's on the OTHER team but he is beloved if he's on YOUR team. He's tops in my book not in spite of his size but rather because of his size! And I'm a White Sox fan!

He's living ,productive proof that a little, non-projectible player can not only contribute but have a huge impact in a game. If he doesn't reach first last night then the detonators at Busch Stadium would have soon been plunged!

For all of you 6'-0" and shorter players out there that don't get the looks or respect just know that it can happen for you. You have to bring the same 'stuff' to the game that Eckstein does and then PERHAPS you've got a shot at it. Anything less and you'll be watching from the seats. He's your 'little guy' pioneer...he's laid out the map for you.

Eckstein has earned and deserves his respect. I'm sure he is pleased that he's considered a pest by many. He works hard at it!
I have to agree with beenthere.........

The first 2 hitters were easy outs for Lidge and his locations were excellent. Eckstein proved he is a baseball player by having a great atbat and fought for that single.

Lidge had to have Edmonds. It seemed he tried to be too cute/perfect against him. The worst case scenario is an Edmonds tying blast, the best

With 2 on, pitching to AP like he did was the next mistake. Should have pounded him away and if the unintentional intentional happens,then you go after Sanders, who has a big hole in his swing according to the experts.

If Roy or Rocket can't close it out, nobody can, and the Astros would continue their almost-there streak.

The ball AP hit would have landed well over 500 feet away?

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