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How can players get a ring in college? NCAA D-1 WS champion and runner up get them, I presume. D2? D3. How about NJCAA and NAIA?

Do players ever get rings for conference championships? Regionals?

Do HS players ever get them?
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I remember one coach of a summer team.
His team won one of the many 100's of 13U WS tournament's that are out there??
I saw the coach a couple of month's later sporting a brand new Leather sleeved Letterman's jacket, with a full size Embroidered With a WS championship all over the coat.
He probably had $800.00 bucks into that jacket.
I was laughing inside so hard I about fell of the bleacher's.
Classic all about the Coach not the Team Loser.LOL
Originally posted by theEH:
I remember one coach of a summer team.
His team won one of the many 100's of 13U WS tournament's that are out there??
I saw the coach a couple of month's later sporting a brand new Leather sleeved Letterman's jacket, with a full size Embroidered With a WS championship all over the coat.
He probably had $800.00 bucks into that jacket.
I was laughing inside so hard I about fell of the bleacher's.
Classic all about the Coach not the Team Loser.LOL

Reminds me of a coach I met 2 years ago. he was bragging about how his team qualified for a World Series, which I knew wasn't that big of a deal. Come to find out that they qualified by finishing 3rd in a tournament with 8 teams in it. The 1st and 2nd place teams had already qualified so the invite got passed to them. WHOOOOOOPIE!!
The other side of the story:

Rings can be meaningful, lifelong symbols of a pretty big accomplishment. My son's HS catching coach was on a DIII national championship team in the 1960's at an Oregon college called Linfield College. He wears that ring from time to time even today.

And of course there are some OSU DI rings around my parts. I've gotten a glimpse of one of those too.

Here is my all time favorite Championship ring story: I once had on my finger Vince Lombardi's first NFL Championship ring. I wore it for most of a day. He gave it to his brother before he died, and he was involved with a company I once dealt with.

That ring means a heck of a lot to Vince Lombardi's brother, I can tell you that! (and it was pretty cool to wear it for a day!)
Last edited by Rob Kremer
I was part of the coaching staff of Miami post 346 baseball team that won the 1994 American Legion World series in Boyertown Pennsilvania. Our prize was suppose to be a trip to 1994 Major League World Series, but that year World series was cancelled because the strike, and instead they gave us a ring. I have wearing my ring every day since, and not for bragging reasons. Any time that anybody ask me about the ring, I travel back in time to the most wonderful baseball experience of my whole life. So, I don't have nothing against rings, they represent too much work, too much pride, too much luck, like I said before, a great experience.
Must of those kids that were part of the team are now out of baseball, I image their faces, any time that they look at their ring and remember that good time at Boyertown.
I have 3 rings and this last year won another national championship but chose not to get the ring because I didn't need another and the fact that it was a meaningless tournament really. Every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up I look at them and remember how much fun and work I went through during those years. Rings for me are more of a reminder. I wore them a couple times, but the need to "show them off" like some people I know wasn't there for me.
We won a third place trophy one time. I took all the guys to centerfield and told them I wanted all of them to have a piece of it. So I broke it into 12 pieces and gave each one of them a piece of it. Then I told them to keep it in their bat bag to remind them of the accomplishment. I got kicked out of the house by my wife for a week or so but it was worth it.
My son has an ex high school teammate who plays for Marietta. He let my son try his 2006 CWS ring on and you better believe that ring will mean something to that young man the rest of his life.

A friend of mine has two rings from Arizona State's national chamionships in the mid 60's under Bobby Winkles. He said back then rings were not such a big deal and the team since had them made. Nonetheless, it is something to be proud. Oh the stories that guy can tell of some of the games greatest players. Reggie Jackson, Sal Bando, and Rick Monday to name a few.
In D1 ,regional winners are allowed an award of approx 300 dollars, cannot be cash award, must only be of that value. Awards are given to CWS participates as well , I think the amount is 100 dollars.

My sons coach combined their ACC championship with the CWS award. He has a ring which he will treasure all of his life.
Coach May - That was very funny!

Our son won an AAU national baseball championship with his team and got a ring - He has worn it a few times, but the memories will be timeless. He's not a show-off, nor does he brag. But symbols are important in our society - not to others, but to ourselves. That's why most of these rings and trophies and championship team pictures end up in a trophy case or someone's bedroom with the rest of our treasures and memories. We all know the hard work that goes into winning championships. Let the kids have their moments.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
My son has an ex high school teammate who plays for Marietta. He let my son try his 2006 CWS ring on and you better believe that ring will mean something to that young man the rest of his life.

A friend of mine has two rings from Arizona State's national chamionships in the mid 60's under Bobby Winkles. He said back then rings were not such a big deal and the team since had them made. Nonetheless, it is something to be proud. Oh the stories that guy can tell of some of the games greatest players. Reggie Jackson, Sal Bando, and Rick Monday to name a few.

********************in a moment in time!!

**part of a collective experience

It IS ALL GOOD..........

Sorry, didn't mean to post anymore. I am at risk to get blasted for the above comments/////A.H's

I told a story on this site months ago about college kids still talking about "their time" 30 years ago............I got blasted!!

Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
How about the flip side of this topic.

I still have a 6 page scouting report on a HS football team from 1976.

Late in the season - two top teams in NY State - both undefeated. We are heavy favorites - and the papers are talking it up all week.

We play them at home - in front of about 4,000 - which is alot for a Northeast HS football game - and by halftime - are taking the beating of our lives - and the first team loss in about 2 years.

We lose 36-6

Next day - Head Coach makes us dig a hole - all of us 3 shovels each - in the long jumpers pit.

When we are finished - he tells us to throw the scouting reports into the hole - cover it up - and never mention that game to him ever again (or he would beat each one of us like a drum - LOL - and he would and he could)

We covered the hole - and then - later that night - I went back to the pit - dug up the hole until I could get a copy of the scouting report - and kept it ever since.

It has been a reminder to me about how talk and hype is **** - and that the only thing that matters is performance.

And I have no idea why I just posted this. LOL
Last edited by itsinthegame
As a player, I was fortunate to win 2 national championships but got watches for doing so (NCCAA). We won a ring in the minor leagues one year, and I still wear it. Why? It is a symbol of a lifetime of work and a reminder to me that anything is possible if you're willing to do whatever it takes. I think people should have the option of doing whatever they want - I don't wear mine to boast...but I don't apologize for wearing it either.
I think legit accomplishments give people the right to do whatever they want here....who am I to tell a person how they should or should not celebrate? If we're talking little kids baseball...that might be a bit much, though.
Last edited by Coach Knight

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