I am new to the site although friends have told me about it often enough. My son will be playing Division One baseball in the fall as a freshman. My husband has mostly been involved in all the baseball activities. So he knows more about it than I do. But in the past month, my son has been really upset. He says he wants to quit baseball. He wants to have a normal life. He says his whole life has been orchestrated around baseball and he feels like he can't plan or do anything. He has talked to one or two players from his future college team and they told him that it is 24 hours of baseball with no time off. This is freaking my son out. My husband says it is senior-itis and that it will pass. My son is going to play summer ball away from home right after school ends. He'll have only 3 weeks after summer ball ends before he has to move into college. I told my son (this almost gave my husband a heart attack) that he should quit then if it's not fun anymore. My son said that he'd be letting everybody down, he's not good at anything else. What gets me is that right after that, we all went to his ball game and he pitched a no-hitter, went 3 for 4 at the plate and was as happy as I've seen him. Came home and went out in the yard and took a couple of more swings before icing his arm. How can he be so all over the place emotionally? And should we just hang in there and wait this out?
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