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My brother plays in college and knows that I love talking situations, so he gave me a call last night.
He is also an umpire when he's not playing and did not understand why this call made out the way it did. of the ninth, my brother's team down one, we have R1 and R2 on base with one out...ground ball hit to F6, gets out at second, F4 tries to complete double play but throws ball wide left. The BR had already hit first base and was through the bag, the ball already by F1 hits BR. NCAA umps call him out!!!! (I can't see this to be interference) I don't like to bash kicked calls, but these are NCAA umps, and to me, although it can be judgement, my brother (a very objective player since he is an ump) said that the BR was just running through the bag, did not even look, so it was not intentional.

I do not know NCAA well, I am an OBR man, but I believe this is pretty standard across all rule books. I think that this should not have been called an interference, but I could be wrong. This seemed very obvious to me. I know we all kick calls, but I believe this is one that should not be kicked.
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I believe this would be a situation related to the force play slide rule.

The Fed rule specifies that R1 is out for not sliding in a direct line to second base on the force play.

I am not as familiar with NCAA, but believe this is a situation I saw covered in an NCAA umpire's bulletin I saw posted on or on the NCAA umpire web site, and the NCAA rules are similar to Fed according to this video. Unfortunately, I do not remember the date of the video I am referencing.

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