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Hi, hope this makes sense and is the right place to post this. I am a 2011 RH Pitcher and First Baseman. Last year I was on a high profile Travel team getting exposure and interest from schools. Unfortunately, I was injured this past December (Torn ACL). I have worked really hard to get back to the game and was able to DH for my high school for the last 10 games of the season. I lost my spot on my tournament team because of the injury. I do not blame the team for moving on without me because no one could predict how i would recover from this injury. I am going to play on a travel team this summer but it is not even close to the same level of exposure. I am having to start all over again, the schools that had shown interest in me have all taken the lets wait and see approach in regard to their interest in me. I find myself panicking and feel like I am falling behind in the recruiting game. To top things off times are really tuff for my family so I do not think I will be able to go to very many showcase type events or college camps unless a school where to show serious interest. My old team is going to P.G. WWBA 17U Nat Championship & P.G. 18U National Showcase in the fall, my new team is not. Last year I was invited to the Area Code try-outs, this year I likely will not be invited because I have not been able to show that i am back and healthy yet. I am just at a loss for how to get back to the level I had worked so hard to get to and feel like I may run out of time since this is already the summer of my junior year. Any thoughts or suggestions would be really appreciated.
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Welcome to the HSBBW MTK2011. You came to the right site for help and information.

Others on this site are in a better position to give you advice for going forward, but let me pass along some encouragement by looking backwards.

Remember this one can erase the favorable impressions that you have already provided to coaches and scouts. They will remember. Let them know you're back from your injury and making great progress. Injuries, unfortunately, are part of this great game. They will be interested in how you are dealing with your setback.

Never, never sell yourself short. You were on top of your game not long're well on your way to getting back on top.

Much success to you and please keep us posted.


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