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It is not a question of getting noticed.

It is a question of opportunity - and choice.

The original poster asked a question about getting his talented son noticed. How should he do it? That was his question.

He got some great answers - and then some Dostoyevsky garbage form SK about not doing anything - they will find you.

If you have a son that is truly talented - your goal should be to help him gain as many opportunities as possible - and have as much choice as possible.

You don't create opportunity by following the nonsensical advice offered by SK.

You limit opportunity by following that advice.

And dont be diverted by the 800 words of SK babble.

Most of it has nothing to do with the original question posed by the poster. IMO.
Originally posted by PGStaff:

I have one gigantic EGO problem…. It’s when someone mentions honesty! I take HUGE pride in honesty… From any perspective! I simply don’t say things that aren’t absolutely true when it comes to baseball. If it’s only my opinion… I will state (IMO)!

Now the only way to answer is by using your favorite method! I'll answer in red!
Without reading any further, I’m taking it that I offended you or your organization. If that’s so, all I can say is, it wasn’t intended.

Everything I’ve said in that post is absolutely the truth, by all perspective!
Can’t be. even though I may be the only person in the world with my perspective, if it isn’t the same as yours, then you say “ALL” is not true.

Of course not, but we do have more people out there scouting than any one MLB Scouting Department or any one college. Our scouting department is larger than any one of the others. They don’t ALL work together. In fact, there are MLB scouting departments who will tell no one about an unknown prospect they might have spotted. If we spot one… Everyone in baseball is going to know about him!
I’m sure that you do have more people out there than any other single entity, but just because the “ALL” don’t’ work together, doesn’t meant that none of them do, or that the ALL don’t in every single case.

In the case of the entity that does find the occasional diamond in the rough that no one else has spotted, it would be stupid to announce it to the world! But that doesn’t mean that they will never, and under any circumstances allow that information to “leak” out.

The service we are talking about (finding prospects) doesn’t have to cost anyone a dime. We usually find them before they ever go to a PG event. We don’t just pull names out of a hat when we send out invitations to teams and players. We already know they are good! They don’t pay anything to us if we see them at Area Codes, East Coast Pro, The Sunbelt tournament, Junior Olympics, The Lions Tournament, and hundreds of other places we scout.
That’s all understood, at least by me. That being said, if your guys don’t actually scout games, the caches of finding ALL of the greatest players is very slim indeed.

Heck, I know you’re not going to try to say that every player who “deserved” to be at he area codes, or any of those other events, was there. They’ll darn sure get most of them, but never “ALL”. And for the tourneys like the JO’s, there are tons of kids who will never get to play there, just because their parent’s can’t afford it.

It would be wonderful if every team that went could provide fee sponsorship of every player that could compete at that level, but they can’t! Both JO tourneys together only display roughly 2,000 players from 14-18. Although the kids there do represent some superior talent, to assume that those are the “best” 2,000 players in the entire country in those age categories would be naive, IMHO.

Of course, someone else could spot them. But chances are pretty slim based on past history that someone who is exceptionally good and been highly recruited or a early draft pick and we have never heard about him. And YES! There are lots of top highest level players that everyone including us have missed!
Now you’re narrowing the field. “EXCEPTIONALLY” good can mean a lot of different things, but be that as it may, when you say “highly recruited” or “early draft pick” that sure lets out a heck of a lot of the “EXCEPTIONAL” players.

It wasn’t my intent to argue at all. Or even be scrutinized for that post. Please note the first sentence “These topics that are indirectly related to our business are not my faves! I’m simply giving my perspective regarding this topic. I wasn’t the least bit interested in making it a marketing thing.
I wasn’t trying to argue with you or anything you said. I simply commented on what you said, and I certainly give you the respect I think you deserve for not trying to take any kind of a business advantage of anything you say here.

In fact, you kind of make my earlier point about perspectives when you say you’re giving yours. I’m not saying yours is wrong, but that it isn’t the same as mine.

Sorry, What does that have to do with THIS topic?
All I was doing was trying to show that there can be and are lots of very good and even exceptional players who have no interest at all in going to the venues where your people would get the chance to see them.

That is not always true at the time! Sometimes they become celebrities later on as they achieve more recognition. Sometimes they never achieve celebrity status because no one knows how good they are.
Didn’t say it was true all the time, nor did I even mean to imply it. All I said, and I was very careful to word it so that no one could take it that I was making a broad general statement, was that my experiences were like AL MA 08’s. I didn’t say yours were wrong, but that mine were different.

Evidently our definitions of “celebrity” are vastly different, and they should be base on our experiences. To you a kid who reaches celebrity status is one who performs on a national stage. From my perspective, a kid can be a local celebrity much more easily.

Where you’re talking about a network of tens of thousands, I’m talking about a network numbered in the hundreds and made op pf laymen, not the perfect judges of talent you’re used to. The laymen pass things on by word of mouth from game to game, and see accomplishments in local papers the no one outside of a relatively small group ever see.

But that doesn’t mean those players are any less celebrities, or that if given an equal opportunity to perform on an equal stage, they couldn’t.

Eveland ended up at obscure Hill College in Texas. Not exactly where a lot of top prospects end up.
I’m gonna be real care here because I don’t think you meant that the way it came out, so don’t take this as me calling you out!

You say “obscure Hill College” as though it was a farm for spreading the waste from cleaned out septic tanks. But, it may well have been the best place for him at the time. For sure it hasn’t hurt his meteoric rise to the HOF, so perhaps it was the est place for him, and perhaps where more “top prospects” out to spend more time.

Yes, we have literally thousands of people doing the same thing and they still miss a few.
I’m sure they do. But you’re talking about only your network. The local networks taken as a whole have literally millions of people in them, so while PG might miss some, the chances of everyone missing them is statistically very small.

That’s great, it is always best if no one ever gets missed. But we live in a much easier area to scout with a lot less players to see and we’ve had some get missed by everybody!
I have absolutely no doubt that’s true, but again, I was speaking from my experiences, and what I’ve been told by others in similar circumstances in othrr parts of the country.

This thread was started by someone from Ohio, where I happened to grow up, and where I still have a lot of friends and family. Although there are some parts of Ohio that are fairly remote, for the most part, it’s a heck of great pace for baseball, and just as out here, the chances of someone going totally unnoted sure seems like a stretch.

Now maybe the ML scouts won’t show a lot of interest in a kid such as the one described, and maybe OSU wouldn’t waste a ship on him either, but there are certainly a ton of schools and independent leagues there to keep playing in, and that’s really the most important thing to me. The longer players play, the more chance they have to be seen.

We will never really know if they were totally missed. Most of them get found, it’s just a matter of when and where. In Eveland’s case (used as example here because he is from Cali) he was found while he attended a small college in TX. And his high school team from California was one of the most scouted teams in America his senior year.


The longer we talk about his stuff, the more it seems we make each others cases.

I’m gonna guess that his school was highly scouted, chances are he wasn’t performing at that very exceptional level he was when he was noticed, so its possible he ended up exactly where his talents placed him at the time.

Please, I’m not interested in arguing, but people should be aware of things that have actually happened. I guess your suggestion to “Mullholland’s” original post would be… Move to Sacramento! BTW, that’s not a bad suggestion! I hear they have one of the nation's top scorekeepers out there

I sure don’t know way you guys get so defensive that you have to take the personal shots. I think I’ve been respectful to you, so why take the shot at me?

I’m not interested in arguing either, and like you, I also think people should be aware of things that happen. In fact, if you look back a the original post I made to this thread, you’ll see I was only expressing an opinion and even solicited for real scouts to state their opinions.

You and your organization are doing a fantastic job, and I commend you for that. But, what happened before PG was around? The process still happened! Very likely you have helped that process become more efficient, but it doesn’t depend on you so completely that MLB or college baseball will fold if it goes away.

Originally posted by Scorekeeper:
I don’t know about Ohio, but around here, the ML and college scouts can tell you the life story about every current local HS P who has ever touched 90, let alone has all the other things this boy has. Maybe BBScout or some other current scout can correct me if I’m in error, but that’s a pretty strong light to keep hidden under a bushel, even on a very poor HS team.


It is pretty clear to anyone that follows your rambling garbage IMO.

From the moment you arrived here - it has been nothing but a direct and indirect non-stop slam at Perfect Game.

Sounds like things didnt go too well for you. Tough luck pal.

I just hope that our annual anonymous cyber basher - (that would be you) - doesnt inhibit the contributions of one of our most valuable members.

It would be a real loss for all parents and players in the HSBBWEB community if PG's contributions were displaced by your incessant BS.

You need to be gone - really. IMO.
Last edited by itsinthegame
Alrighty then,....intermission posters,..whatta' ya say?

Refreshments out in the lobby,...fresh air outside.

Lets walk around a bit and stretch the ol' legs and rest the typin' fingers, for a few.

Hope we all come back refreshed and on topic! Wink

( Nacho's anyone? Smoked corned beef on rye if you're intersted. )

I have a feeling PG isnt going anywhere! He is much too loyal to abandon ship! Wink
And his dedication to helping todays youth with baseball is quite solid.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
The original poster asked a question about getting his talented son noticed. How should he do it? That was his question.
No it wasn’t! You tend to ignore things that mean nothing to you, take things out of context, and then have the temerity to call other people out for doing exactly that!

Mulholland didn’t simply ask about getting his son noticed, his exact words were” I am trying to find out how to get my son noticed by D-I colleges or any pro scouts for a possible draft right out of high school.

What he was asking for and what you say he was asking for are 2 entirely different things, whether or not you care to understand or believe it. There’s a heck of a difference in a D1 interest or for a MLB draft right out of HS, than just an interest in giving the kid a chance to play at the next level!

For some reason guys like you think anything less than big D1’s or MLB sucks, and nothing could be farther from the truth! the kid PGS talked about was found in an “OBSCURE” Texas college. SO WHAT? He did get the opportunity to play, and evidently it will pay off for him!

Rather than trying to make me look foolish, why don’t you pay closer attention to the post people make?

I never said anyone shouldn’t go to every venue they could to try to display their skills! You imply I did, but you can’t quote it because I didn’t say it, dude.
The talent still has to be in a venue where it can be seen and that is not usually the normal HS game.

Very true. Its easy to be a big fish in a little pond, (...but it probably won't get you very far.)

What matters is knowing if you can swim with the big boys out in the ocean!
And that takes a large platform, or opportunity as some say, IMO.

Location of course is key,...not everyone is from a big city.

We're are living this scenario, right now.
Last edited by shortstopmom

I don't have the time to keep up with you.

You twist everything around completely for some reason.

Let's just make it simple. You say things one time, people reply, then you throw stuff out there that just was never said. I do not appreciate this ONE BIT!

Rather than go through this completely... Here are some comments you've made that simply do not belong.

The longer we talk about his stuff, the more it seems we make each others cases. IS this some kind of game? What case are you talking about. Is this competition or something?

I’m gonna guess that his school was highly scouted, chances are he wasn’t performing at that very exceptional level he was when he was noticed, so its possible he ended up exactly where his talents placed him at the time.
Your gonna guess? That school had a first round pick. Have you seen what happens at high schools who end up with a first round pick?

I’m gonna be real care here because I don’t think you meant that the way it came out, so don’t take this as me calling you out!

You say “obscure Hill College” as though it was a farm for spreading the waste from cleaned out septic tanks. But, it may well have been the best place for him at the time. For sure it hasn’t hurt his meteoric rise to the HOF, so perhaps it was the est place for him, and perhaps where more “top prospects” out to spend more time.
Thanks for being so careful!

I do apologize to Hills College for using the word obscure. They actually have produced a lot of very good players.

I sure don’t know way you guys get so defensive that you have to take the personal shots. I think I’ve been respectful to you, so why take the shot at me?
You are very insecure if you call that taking a shot. Why are YOU so defensive?

You and your organization are doing a fantastic job, and I commend you for that. But, what happened before PG was around? The process still happened! Very likely you have helped that process become more efficient, but it doesn’t depend on you so completely that MLB or college baseball will fold if it goes away.
There is more, but I need to cut it short, so I'll stop with this.... Where in your wildest imagination did you read a claim that the entire process depended completely on us? Or that MLB and College baseball will fold if we went away?

That's the stuff I'm talking about. There is something about the way you twist words that I DO NOT CARE FOR! In other words, you are simply looking to make trouble, too often! BTW, I think I have shown you more respect than most people around here! It's because I think you have something to add. But you simply have to be the winner in every discussion you're involved in. I don't understand that! So I simply will apologize to others for taking up this space and never reply to one of your posts again! Now there... you have won once again, congratulations!
I listened to my son's coach interviewed for an hour this morning. He is located in southwest Louisiana in a town of 125,000. He is between New Orleans and Houston on I-10. He has taken a team to Omaha, sells lots of tickets and fields teams with good RPI numbers. He talked about "rural" recruiting.

"You can go to showcases and most of the kids could be underwear models. We are located in a rural state. We have to find the kid that doesn't neccessarily play 'select ball', who seems like he can play, and could fit into our system. They are out there. I don't care about stats, All-State stuff and the like. I need to know how a pitcher reacts when he gets rocked. I need to know how a hitter does in the field after going 0-3. I need to know what he is made of."- Tony Robichaux

PG does a great job. There are kids out in the hinterlands that play ball, get recruited, play in college, and turn pro, without showcasing.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by PGStaff:
IS this some kind of game? What case are you talking about. Is this competition or something?
No, it isn’t a game. I just thought it was ironic that when I say virtually the same thing, everyone gets mad, but when you say it, its ok.

I’m gonna guess that his school was highly scouted, chances are he wasn’t performing at that very exceptional level he was when he was noticed, so its possible he ended up exactly where his talents placed him at the time.
Your gonna guess? That school had a first round pick. Have you seen what happens at high schools who end up with a first round pick?
There was a typo in that post. The word was supposed to be “WASN’T”, not WAS”.

Maybe you can educate me here. It looks as though you’re saying that if a school has a 1st round pick, all the other players get ignored. Admittedly I haven’t seen any 1st round players, nor what happens at their schools, but typically people around here believe the best thing that can happen to players is to be on a team where scouts show up to see someone else because its an opportunity to show what they can do.

If that’s not true, I stand corrected.

Thanks for being so careful!
Obviously you’re offended. I’m sorry. How would you have said it? You know you spoke in an offensive manner, and like a good person apologized.

You are very insecure if you call that taking a shot. Why are YOU so defensive?
Me insecure? How about if I said something that condescending about you without at least an emoticon? I took it to mean you were saying I thought of myself as one of the nation’s top scorekeepers. To me that’s a shot unless something there to show me I should try to take the comment in jest. In that case, I’d have laughed about it.

There is more, but I need to cut it short, so I'll stop with this.... Where in your wildest imagination did you read a claim that the entire process depended completely on us? Or that MLB and College baseball will fold if we went away?
I get the idea that you feel your organization and service have become indispensable because you seem to absolutely refuse to believe I might make any valid points what-so-ever.

You’re proud of yourself, your organization, and the service it offers, and you should be! Personally, I wish every player in the country could use it! But that simply isn’t the case.

That's the stuff I'm talking about. There is something about the way you twist words that I DO NOT CARE FOR! In other words, you are simply looking to make trouble, too often!
Its too bad you feel that way because it simply isn’t true. You say I twist words and their meanings, but all I do is respond to what’s being said.

BTW, I think I have shown you more respect than most people around here! It's because I think you have something to add.
You have, and its been much appreciated. But I still don’t understand why you want to shoot the messenger if the message is worthwhile.

But you simply have to be the winner in every discussion you're involved in. I don't understand that! So I simply will apologize to others for taking up this space and never reply to one of your posts again! Now there... you have won once again, congratulations!
I don’t know how you can say that. Even IITG says I apologize too often. I do that when I feel I’ve made a mistake or said something in error. In this thread you’ve done the same thing, and I for one respect that.

Its never been about who wins and who loses, although there are a few here who think that is the case. What its supposed to be about is the truth, and all I’ve ever done is question what’s put out there as the truth.

Last edited by Scorekeeper
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