Here's a few things that we have done, I coach both high school and a summer program.
for the high school
a little league clinic
$20 each adds up, players do the instructing.
a golf tournament
annually raise $4,000 in a small area. 90 golfers and 75 hole signs. After the first couple of years, it runs pretty easy.
outfield fence signs
$500 each, first year build the signs, all profit after that.
Sweatshirt, hat and t-shirt sales, add a couple of bucks to the cost and sell to the parents. our high school sweatshirts and hats are the most common ones in the area.
for our summer program
ask the local business community for team sponsorships
Cookie dough sales - it sells itself
work in the fireworks booth
car washes ($750 in a day)
We have the kids help out with all of our fundraising.