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Let's go back to your last post about your hitting video. If you don't give yourself enough time to see the ball and "read" it, it will be hard to learn the strike zone simply because you are always going to be rushed.

Think about if you were driving on an unfamiliar highway and were running 20 minutes late to your appointment. All the exits start looking the same and you may just miss yours because you are not in position to exit when you get to it. However, if you are early enough in your approach to the appointment ("make your forward movement prior to pitch release") and you are driving at a decent pace ("Control the pace of your stride leg"), you have plenty of time to read the information in front of you and make the appropriate decision ("See the pitch and react").

That is all pitch selection yourself enough time to take in the information your eyes see and make the appropriate decision.

The bat wrap thing that was spoken of will also hinder your ability to be selective because that causes you to swing before you know where the pitch will be. Correcting that will increase your pitch selection even more as well.

Make sense??
Coach A, good stuff. Much appreciated.

I have since changed my stride, and tomorrow I'll make a new video and maybe post a clip. The late front foot step is something I realized was hurting my hitting, and I'm glad you realized it, too.

My bat wrapping would be changed if it were just style. But I believe that increases bat speed, so I'll just have to always pull the bat back. Think Miguel Tejada, or around where you are, Lance Berkman. They always pulls the bat back, regardless of whether they swings or not, and they're on time.

We'll see with the clip...thanks for the input, though. Smile
Last edited by yesisbest

Try to get a side angle of the video clip, we will be able to see more.

Maybe your wrapping does increase you bat speed, (I personally don't believe it does, but I have no proof) but think about the distance your bat head has to travel ... it is almost double, especially with the casting front left elbow you have. Do you think that your bat wrapping increases your bat speed by 2? In addition Coach A is right on, your rushing doesn't allow you time to be selctive because you have to start your swing so early. I am not saying you can not be a good hitter with that swing, you can, maybe not a good contact hitter. But the guys you mentioned who swing like that are big leaguers. By the way Berkman strikes out on average 105 times per season. That is one in 5 at bats he K's, Tejada is right behind him averaging 91 k's per year about one in every 6 at bats. If I am not mistaken Tejada has a reputation for being a free swinger ... isn't that what you mentioned your problem is? Ichiro on the other hand averages 63 per year and Pete Rose only averaged 52 K's per season over is 24 year career in the bigs.

I am not telling you that you are wrong, I am telling you that you are making the task of hitting the baseball harder for yourself. I give this advice to all of my students:

"Short to it, long through it"

Short path to the baseball, long path through the hitting zone.

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