Justbaseball, you might want to PM me, I know a fair amount about the subject

I personally think the HeadfirstHonor Roll Camp is the way to go, although if the boy is a senior, he is too late for that. I know that D was also scouted by several of the northeast schools at the Stanford Camp, and at the PG WWB tournament that I saw you at senior year. His friend, now at Williams, got a lot of northeast-type recruiting interest as a result of Headfirst Honor Roll, too. The wonderful coach at Amherst, Coach Thurston, was interested in D because of his video and his academic credentials, and had not seen him play live, ever. (Sent letter and resume, coach wrote back for video--that is the proper sequence I believe)
I agree with infielddad about the cold factor. Might as well be realistic. So I took D on the tour to Amherst & Williams during February break (having gone to school at Hahvahd, I knew what I was doing). He had pretty much made up his mind 5 seconds after stepping out of the Hartford CT airport. Seeing the guys practice in the field house and seeing the diamond covered with snow in mid-February pretty much sealed the deal. Still, there were other California kids there who were really happy.
I'd add a bunch of schools to the list infielddad provided: the Patriot League schools, JHU, Haverford, northern Virginia schools, Wesleyan, I think even Trinity in CT?