Welcome, glad to see that you have an interest in learning. There are a lot of great people here that you can learn from. The guys that have replied on velocity are right, don't worry so much about how fast right now as much as how mechanically sound you throw. Also focus on building arm strength it will server you later. I use a spell checker all the time have for years. I was under the impression for a long time that God put the inventor of spell check on earth just for me,

. Read all you can here and if you don't understand something speak up, don't let us old guys scare you off by being grumpy some days. We are here because we like to talk baseball and will be glad to explain what we are talking about. One last thing keep in mind this is a discussion forum not the chat room so some of the phrases you can use there don't apply here. Do your best at everything you do and do what you enjoy.