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I was going to wait until this evening to go with my husband, but on my trip out for groceries at 4:00, I saw that there was no line down Main Street.

In and out in no time flat but there was a substantial line for residents voting for the first time today.

I would be interested to know by State
how many were asked at the poll for identification? Anyone?
Chill ...

I wasn't asked but I am curious about something (tho I may be sorry I asked on this forum) ... would anybody here be offended or feel intimidated if they were asked for identification? I think I know how BigWI feels, and I know it wouldn't bother me (anymore than asking for my i.d. when I use a credit card) but obviously some voters find it bothersome.
I was second in line when I went to the poll and that was only cuz I let my wife go first. There were 2 otheres already in the booths when we got there and 2 more came in as we were leaving. Pretty busy rural voting spot for 3:30p.m.

I imagine that before the evening is over, upwards of 200 will have cast their votes where I do. Big turn-out too.

No wait for me, but I went about 20 minutes after the polls open and during the time when most parents were taking their kids to school.
We'll see how my hubby and son (who is coming home from school tonight to vote) fares - my bet is they will have a wait. Sounds like it will be an awesome turnout. Whatever the results are - that kind of response can only be good for America.
Originally posted by OnePlayer'sPop:
I was second in line when I went to the poll and that was only cuz I let my wife go first. There were 2 otheres already in the booths when we got there and 2 more came in as we were leaving. Pretty busy rural voting spot for 3:30p.m.

I imagine that before the evening is over, upwards of 200 will have cast their votes where I do. Big turn-out too.


OPP, if you ever want to move to CA and become a stand-up comic, can I be your agent. Your posts are not only hilarious, your words create quite an image.
In my little borough of 2500, I had a wait of 15 minutes at 7:00PM last night. It was the first time I have ever waited.

The supervisor of elections who has known me for 20 years asked for my ID. I happily showed ID. I was then handed my paper punch card ballot.

I am convinced that in this rural corner of W.PA no voter fraud was committed in my area. The dedication and personal integrity of our poll workers is to be commended.

I don't have 40 years to boast in one town but I had the same cordial chat with a friend of 13 years...wondering what was up with my children and chit chat about MLB "goings on".....She didn't ask me for ID either but I was kind of hoping she would. That's my feeling.
Kind of hoping that all voters would not be offended by a set of rules that were ultimately erercised for the good of the people.

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