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What has happened to sportsmanship?
Southlake fans are the rudest bunch of spectators I have ever encountered. It is one thing to cheer for your team, it is another to chant personal attacks on specific players. Last night's chant of "over rated" (among other things)at IHS pitcher Blake Beavan was uncalled for and obnoxious. This not the first time Southlake fans have stooped so low. Last year during football season SL students were sporting T-shirts that said " I used to go to Grapevine, but then my Dad got a job" I know that SL fans are not the only ones out there acting this way, just the most recent....
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Originally posted by Bunjeebuddy:
What has happened to sportsmanship?
Southlake fans are the rudest bunch of spectators I have ever encountered. It is one thing to cheer for your team, it is another to chant personal attacks on specific players. Last night's chant of "over rated" (among other things)at IHS pitcher Blake Beavan was uncalled for and obnoxious. This not the first time Southlake fans have stooped so low. Last year during football season SL students were sporting T-shirts that said " I used to go to Grapevine, but then my Dad got a job" I know that SL fans are not the only ones out there acting this way, just the most recent....

I was at a Rowlett / Rockwall games a couple of years ago. It was a playoff game at the rock and their was no room left in the park. A kid with the initials KH was pitching for Rowlett. There were kids on top of the Rockwall dugout
just really giving KH all they had. KH handled it very well. I guess my point is; This will happen during playoffs. IMO; Everything is fair game except trash talking about someones mother or family members; JMO...
Last edited by 2nd@3rd
It sounds like the game was played in front of the Plano West crowd! Big Grin I agree that some of this comes with the territory -- as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Chants of "over-rated" seem relatively mild.

Anyone with baseball knowledge knows that Bleaven is not over-rated --- he had a bad game -- it's that simple.

We could take this discussion back to the one regarding the strike zone and what it has my opinion, we shouldn't see HS pitchers with .042 ERA --- not with the influx of year-round baseball, aluminum bats, etc. I think the large zone creates a somewhat artificial view of pitching performances. To hear a complaint, "he was squeezed and had to throw it over the plate" is absurd to me. A team ERA of under 4.5 at the college level may set a school record --- so, what's the biggest difference? Two things --- the top-to-bottom quality of the college line-up.....and the strike zone.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Southlake can be very tough on its competitor BUT IMO playoffs are open to ALL to have fun. The comment about "Dad getting a job" may have been wrong but when your losing its always taken the wrong way.

I agree 100% with H&U (scary thought) Beavens will bounce back and SL better put them to rest tonight or watch out. Everyone is entitled to a bad game now and then. Last year when we lost to Marcus there were some sad comments but we bounced back and hurt them where it moving on.
Last year during a tournament at SGP, I walked over to 3 or 4 pickups backed in and full of hecklers and requested that they get louder and more frequent with their barbs. Told em we played alot better with the distraction and they pulled out of the parking lot and left. Maybe they took a seat, I don't know, but the hecklin ended. Funny part was I was being serious.
If Bunjeebuddy thought the Southlake fans were rude last night he should have been at the playoff game last year with Allen vs Southlake. Allen students were on the Southlake players so hard I felt bad for them; this was when the steriod rumor had broken. Players better get use to it if they plan to play at the next level. I thought Blake handled it very well. Go to a Baylor game sometime, the other team does not stand a chance.
Originally posted by SWAC:
If Bunjeebuddy thought the Southlake fans were rude last night he should have been at the playoff game last year with Allen vs Southlake. Allen students were on the Southlake players so hard I felt bad for them; this was when the steriod rumor had broken. Players better get use to it if they plan to play at the next level. I thought Blake handled it very well. Go to a Baylor game sometime, the other team does not stand a chance.

Exactly!!! Any big time Division 1 venue is going to get rowdy. At LSU, they are in the bleachers banging on the wall. I have seen OF ask their coach to take them out of the game...what a home field advantage!!!

How about minor league ball...where they sell beer at the games!!! Can get pretty unmerciful!!! Of course, there's nothing like the Mexican League, where they have to have Chicken wire up in front of the grandstands to keep the beer bottles and other objects in the stands so they don't hit me nervous...errrrrr...the players after they strikeout!!!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Train:
Southlake can be very tough on its competitor BUT IMO playoffs are open to ALL to have fun. The comment about "Dad getting a job" may have been wrong but when your losing its always taken the wrong way.QUOTE]

As long as it is good natured. TT has group that abides by a strick code of conduct for their heckling section which keeps it light-hearted.
Originally posted by L.A.:
If these players want to go to the next level, be ready because it's going to happen. Just ask anyone who's been to Tech. Heck, the guy wrote a BOOK about the subject! Vanlandingham got his second major in it. clapping

Yes, you are right there is no comparison to collegiate heckling and Tex Tech does the top of the line when it comes to heckling. Had a son who played college ball and there is no comparison. The fans have it down to a profession and there this a complete war going on at the player-to-player level in many games. If you are not tough, you can't make it. It's best to be deaf mentally. However, that doesn't mean it is right for fans to be rude or profane.
I have it from a reliable source that the rudest of the hecklers were from Grapevine -- there specificially to get on Beavan. It's part of HS baseball -- like it or not. I think adminstrators should make sure it does not go too far. Obviously, there are lines that should not be crossed. Most of the SLC rowdies were probably out getting something to eat after football practice. Smile
Kinda needed to go pee before I checked in here for a brief update.

Last year during a tournament at SGP, I walked over to 3 or 4 pickups backed in and full of hecklers and requested that they get louder and more frequent with their barbs. Told em we played alot better with the distraction and they pulled out of the parking lot and left. Maybe they took a seat, I don't know, but the hecklin ended. Funny part was I was being serious.

Then I hit that.
The baptists can be brutal -- but then they'll pray for your safe travels.

Then I hit that.
Now, all I need is some more coffee.
Any big time Division 1 venue is going to get rowdy

But, I think the Aggies, get the prize.

Six red shirts in a sea 5,500 maroon ALL with mouths saying the same thing on cue.

Fun, ain't it? And, still glad to be there.
Last edited by FormerObserver
I had plenty of experience from the abuse I received in Austin, College Station and San Diego. L.A remembers the hecklers at Georgia Southern.

Heckling is part of it. The problem is no one knows where to stop. The language today gets out of hand. The best hecklers are entertaining without being offensive. Go to and read the 10 commandments of heckling.

The only thing I have to say about Keller in the playoffs. If you are going to heckle us, you better bring your A game. I won't start it, but will finish it. I may get CATCHER to join me.

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