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My son's summer team has 23 on the roster. Having coached, I know that this seems unmanagable even if 8 are "pitchers". They are a showcase team and will need the arms, but I'm just wondering what everyone else thinks. Oh, and they still seem to be adding to their collection of talent, as of last week. How many are too many?
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We have had rosters of 25/26 players in tournaments and everyone got time----to me a 23 man roster with 8 pitchers will not work in a weekend tournament---we have 12 to 16 arms in our events---pitchers know their roles and go home with arms they can still use to comb their hair---rather have pitchers/parents complaining about non use than over use but then again many of the parents won't complain about overuse, especially if you are winning

Hope this helps

If you would like to talk more about how we make it work feel free to give me a call

Tom Rizzi
Last edited by TRhit
Originally posted by badballer:
My son just joined a tournament team with 23 on the roster. My problem I think is he is a catcher. I am concerned about his arm. What are your thoughts on over playing at this postion. He is just finishing his junior year in HS.
You think he's a catcher? Does he wear a funny looking mask when he takes the field?
My team will have 22 on the roster.
We carry two catchers they rotate and they DH when they dont catch.

We carry 5 inf 4 play one is the DR for the catcher or pitcher and they rotate equally.

We carry 4 OF one is the DR for the catcher or pitcher and they rotate equally.

We carry 11 pitchers and they dont hit - they dont play one single inning in the field - and they dont run the bases. They are there to pitch. We split games up over the weekend. I do not require them to attend unless it is there day to pitch.

We always have at least one guy that is a very good hitter fielder and pitcher. In this case we use him as a posistion player and get him a couple of innings on the hill every weekend.

Just about every top hs pitcher also is one of their HS teams best posistion players and hitters. But not on an elite team where the top hitters and fielders are selected from a large area. They are told what their role will be if they elect to join the team and if they do not like what they hear they play for someone else.

We play on average 5 games each weekend and sometimes 6. Posistion players are going to play. Pitchers are going to pitch. And everyone is going to get a chance to contribute. Thats all you can ask.

How many innings do your pitchers average per weekend? Do you have designated starters/long relief/short relief, or just mix it up?

Originally posted by Coach May:
My team will have 22 on the roster.
We carry two catchers they rotate and they DH when they dont catch.

We carry 5 inf 4 play one is the DR for the catcher or pitcher and they rotate equally.

We carry 4 OF one is the DR for the catcher or pitcher and they rotate equally.

We carry 11 pitchers and they dont hit - they dont play one single inning in the field - and they dont run the bases. They are there to pitch. We split games up over the weekend. I do not require them to attend unless it is there day to pitch.

We always have at least one guy that is a very good hitter fielder and pitcher. In this case we use him as a posistion player and get him a couple of innings on the hill every weekend.

Just about every top hs pitcher also is one of their HS teams best posistion players and hitters. But not on an elite team where the top hitters and fielders are selected from a large area. They are told what their role will be if they elect to join the team and if they do not like what they hear they play for someone else.

We play on average 5 games each weekend and sometimes 6. Posistion players are going to play. Pitchers are going to pitch. And everyone is going to get a chance to contribute. Thats all you can ask.
My son's 16U team has eighteen on the roster. While thirteen pitch, four are pitchers only. There are twenty-five on his 18U scout team. On this team you're either a position player or a pitcher. I think ten are pitchers. In both cases players aren't always required to attend games if not expected to play.

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