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What has changed:

- The method of delivery of mass communication.

- The earlier timing of the recruiting process, particularly for the elite players.

- The rise in value of conversation skills and real human interection in a world increasingly geared to tiny electronic sound bites.

- The loss of the appreciation of hard earned success...of work ethic and talent...a belief that is all about marketing/smoke and mirrors....of trickery.

- The loss of patience as a virtue. We demand it all and we demand it now....or we quit.

- The loss of the appreciation of the long path of development, and the true nature of the development of craft.

- The shift of travel ball from...a new and special option for the truly elite to get expensive community ball on the road including politics and daddy's in charge.

- An steadily increasing belief in the "magic" of the "right" recruting process, to open doors...regardless of talent/reality.

- The increased need and value of academic excellence in the recruting process and in college.

- The increasing pressure of stage parents as costs go up and money becomes more dear.

- The initial rise and recent fall of the use of PED's in HS/travel ball.

- The shift from high price to state schools as the economy faulters, and the increased competition for state spots as a result...and the increasing opportunities presented at the higher priced schools for wealthy players.

- An underappreciation for the value of college ball in and of itself...and a belief that it's real value is as a transition into the professional ranks.

- The continuing loss of "team" success and the increasing need for celebrity.

What has not changed:

- Talent: The value of an ability to hit, throw, catch and run. The value of strength, speed, quickness, hands. The ability to think like an athlete, judgement, work ethic, focus, dedication, passion, an ability to overcome adversity and challenge.

- The value of a broad fit...and an underappreciation for that fit.

- The nature of real talent and it's ability to be found.

- The big dogs eat first.

- The transcendent nature of team success for the individual.

- The lessons learned in struggle.

- Politics in baseball

- Overestimation of talent by many parents

- The ability to blame a lack of talent, work ethic, patience, and attitude on politics, coaches, scouts, and recruiters.

- The value and need for hard work, dedication, focus in developing athletic talent.

- Overrecruting.

- Heard mentality

- The nature and value of basic human communication/interaction.

- Ego

- Our fascination with the "latest and greatest", cell phones, E-mail, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter...and the inexaustable ability of the market to provide and sell something new and make it appear to us to be "essential and foreve"r...until they come up with something else next week we have to have.

Cool 44

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