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for my son's school 2 asst coaches are doing somehting 6 days a week, really like they are setting up "appointments" for throwing/ pitching"  bitting is available fror about 2 hours those 6 days. My son is playing basketball for HS so he throws twice a week right now to get his arm built up for season  HC says it is not his job since we are not in season. thank goodness fro to dedicated asst coaches

Our HS staff does a phenomenal job for offseason.  They actually start in September-2 days a week with 45 min workouts (agility, core, baseball lifts) then 45 min outside for "open gym" type of work (they go to the field and cage to do their own thing).  Then once weather turns bad, it is 2 days a week after school for workouts/conditioning and 2 days before school for "open gym" where pitchers can start throwing off mounds. Cameras are used for video analysis, lot of reps for hitting/IF/OF.  It's amazing how ready the team is by opening day.  And of course all is "optional" since many guys do train at other facilities or with summer teams.  All is asked is communication so the HS staff knows what is going on and can especially plan around picthers throwing/arm care.

Our HS does very minimum in preparing the kids for the season.  They are pretty much on their own with the exception of 2x/week bullpens.  So my son takes his training on himself.  He hits the gym 5 days/week.alternating between weights, agility, and explosive exercise.  He goes to his catching coach 1x per week and his hitting coach 2x per week. Also does IF with the hitting coach.  He also takes swings on the days he does bullpens.  He's been doing long toss 2x/week and about to bump it up to 3x.  The HS season starts mid february here.

It doesn't really matter how much the HS team practices/works out, what matters is how much you son practices and works out.  Kids that "want it", work out 6-7 days a the offseason. Even at the elite college and professional level its typically up to the player to improve himself, the coach can't schedule desire. As players move up levels there are fewer and fewer position players that don't work out on their own. 



As an aside a player must have a balanced work out as he can't lift and/or throw everyday, however, they are hitting, wheter a T or live BP, pretty much everyday. 


My son's school will start having daily workouts closer to tryouts (tryouts end of March). For now, the coach encourages the kids to participate in their own offseason program and to attend the schools winter ES4 program (SAQ training).  My son lifts 5 days/week (and speed/plyo), he workouts with other baseball kids in a dome for a couple of hours one night per week (fielding mostly), he participates in a couple of  baseball clinics on Sunday's (pitching  and catching, 8:30am-11::300am) and then goes to a pitch/bat/catch live hitting program (you hit and can catch and/or pitch too). We also go to a batting cage once a week.  Plus he's playing basketball in a rehab league on Saturdays.  Besides that I work with him on defensive line play and long snapping once a week.  

Some of us.Possibly a majority live in places where if the kids are not allowed inside the building that in reality we pay the rent on. There is no place.While my guy lifts 4 days a week.He also takes the core training class that's offered instead of using school time for lifting.That class is 3 days one week 2 days the next.He realizes that his core is just as important to stay the player he is.But I/he should not have to drive 45 minutes one way to play catch,play long toss,or do whatever he is doing to stay on top of his hitting skills.We don't have the area/spot here at the house.Now I realize I am in the minority that the high school has nothing for the baseball players in the off season at least by using this thread for reference.I feel its more common than not because of what I know of area high schools.Now in MY area I really think this is the reason there is no allegiance when it comes to high school baseball.You don't see this sort of thing with football.In fact its the opposite.One way or another I have contact with our football coach at least once a month in the off season.He keeps almost daily contact with the kid.There is nothing over the top special with us.It would be hard to believe he is not this way with everyone.From when the cold weather finally breaks till first day of practice theres something going on with football.Its not that way with the baseball team.I never had ONE in person chat with the V coach last year.There was some email exchanges.Now when you have a summer team that makes arraignments for you to get inside of their training facilities 24/7 and you get run out of the gym at your own high school because you're playing catch just where does a kids loalty supposed to lie?My kid has not missed a practice in @ 3 years even tho its 45-55 minutes away.This year hes driving on his own 3-4 times a week.He puts in the effort on his own.Just don't expect him to have some "I want a state championship" from a place that makes very little effort.I know for a fact he will do whatever it takes to get that football state title.

When my son was in high school they had fall school practice three days per week and fall ball available. It was usually bench players and aspiring varsity players. Others had travel fall ball or other fall sports. Starting with December they had FASST (fitness, agility, speed, strength training) five days per week. They also had the option to hit in the Indoor cages. They would start throwing jn February. The coach was also the head of instruction at a baseball facility. He offered very discounted winter passes to go in and hit against Pro Batter twice a week. The coach warned players in September show up prepared to go full speed the first day of tryouts March 1. With the first game in two weeks there was no time to waste.


He also had indoor winter workouts on the weekend with his travel team.

Last edited by RJM

Lack of facilities.


To be quite honest you don't need a lot of facilties, if any, to work on your skills as a position player.  Hitting can be done into a net with a T and a little imagination.. A player can also throw into a net anywhere from 5 feet to 100 feet away.  


btw A  pitching machine can seriously mess up a players timing and swing.  You won't find many minor leaguers hitting off a pitching machine.  They do T work and try to get a coach to toss bp.

Originally Posted by CollegeParentNoMore:

It doesn't really matter how much the HS team practices/works out, what matters is how much you son practices and works out.  Kids that "want it", work out 6-7 days a the offseason. Even at the elite college and professional level its typically up to the player to improve himself, the coach can't schedule desire. As players move up levels there are fewer and fewer position players that don't work out on their own. 



As an aside a player must have a balanced work out as he can't lift and/or throw everyday, however, they are hitting, wheter a T or live BP, pretty much everyday. 


personally my son works a lot on his own, but he's in a team sport. It matters how much everyone is contributing,but that was not reason for post. Just curious what other programs r doing and what is allowed at their schools.

Originally Posted by proudhesmine:

But I/he should not have to drive 45 minutes one way to play catch,play long toss,or do whatever he is doing to stay on top of his hitting skills.

I drive twice a week for 45 minutes each way with my son to his winter workouts for his summer team.It is a good ball club, they work hard and get productive time together and improve. we are able to bail out on occasion for other life events but that is not typical, he makes roughly 80 percent of the winter workouts.

I actually enjoy the time with him, we talk in the car. i have a rule - when we are in the car no ear buds, listen to the radio and talk with me. sometimes we talk little - other times it is the entire way...bottom line I think it has been great for our relationship as a father / son - it has also done nothing but make him a better player and give him more confidence.

Playball2011, you are exactly right about how much to workout. Some people on here think that if you allow your kids to work on any baseball related workouts at anytime other than during baseball, that you are doing too much. I have said before it is up to who the kid is and how bad he wants it and the tolerance level of the athlete and parents. (you can't schedule desire!) I love that one, I can't wait to use it!!



You may want to reread this thread.No one has made the statement baseball in season only.Everyone that posted has kids training in the off season.cept my kid.We do not have anything.Old school on the riding you are right.We have been driving farther than I will admit for baseball since he was 9-10.I too have spent a ton of quality talk time with my guy also.Tho he is only half thru his second year I have learned a lot about his school life in general.You know the part of a kids life that's thiers.We were there once ourselves.the last couple of months he been driving himself.I know. well I try.To give him his independence now.And he has a couple of times driven up by himself.Fortunatly fo me after he did go a couple of times by himself I started getting asked if I wanted to ride with(.Now I did not tell him this but I think you will understand) But what a compliment from him to me to be asked to ride along.Now we are really having conversations.He has never really been a headphone kid but he a very quiet kid.No subject off limits my little guy is turning into a man.kindof gets a fellow if you know what I mean. 

Originally Posted by proudhesmine:

You may want to reread this thread.No one has made the statement baseball in season only.Everyone that posted has kids training in the off season.cept my kid.We do not have anything.Old school on the riding you are right.We have been driving farther than I will admit for baseball since he was 9-10.I too have spent a ton of quality talk time with my guy also.Tho he is only half thru his second year I have learned a lot about his school life in general.You know the part of a kids life that's thiers.We were there once ourselves.the last couple of months he been driving himself.I know. well I try.To give him his independence now.And he has a couple of times driven up by himself.Fortunatly fo me after he did go a couple of times by himself I started getting asked if I wanted to ride with(.Now I did not tell him this but I think you will understand) But what a compliment from him to me to be asked to ride along.Now we are really having conversations.He has never really been a headphone kid but he a very quiet kid.No subject off limits my little guy is turning into a man.kindof gets a fellow if you know what I mean. 

good stuff, this type of thing makes every dime spent and minute worthwhile. my wife likes to tease me that when he can drive i am not going to know what to do with myself...she is probably right. that day is still a year a away but i know it goes fast!


He told me the other night he wants to go to college down south (weather obviously) I just laughed and said "Have golf clubs will travel" and told him to find a school near an airport!! that actually made him smile.

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