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How many of you know what your state athletic association rules are?  Reason I ask is that some states have strict rules about attendance and while it's probably remote possibility having absences add up to where they are ineligible.


Example - in North Carolina the NCHSAA says that all students are allowed to miss 13 days of school without penalty but on the 14th absence they are automatically ineligible for the next semester.  Eligibility is based on each previous semester.  Where I get the most frustration in dealing with parents is the NCHSAA policy is they don't care about if an absence is excused or unexcused.  To them an absence is an absence is an absence and when I have to let a kid / parent know they are ineligible they keep saying "well X were excused absences".  What leads to the frustration is the fact I do everything I can to let people know about the policy - including a mandatory parent meeting at the start of each season.


There is an appeal process I can fill out for someone with 14 or more absences but it is then left completely up to the NCHSAA if that kid becomes eligible or not. But to even ask for an appeal involves a bunch of hoops and paperwork.


Factoring all that and the fact I am a teacher I still support kids missing school to attend these events.  First the number of kids in a school who will miss for these types of events (in all sports) is minimal.  Second it's an event used to help a kid better their future - isn't that why we are in the education business?  Third it's a way to help start teaching responsibility like someone said above about handling make up work.


Lying is lying. I have a letter that I have sent to my 2016's teachers the past 2 years. Where, when & why we are going. Ask for their help. Never is a problem. Some teachers mark him excused some don't. I don't care. As long as your son is not a total dumbass and will bring his teachers onto his team there should be no problem. However if your son is disrespectful & a classroom issue I will cut him zero slack for he has given me no reason to want to go out of my way. Yep I teach.

Is this really an issue at some schools?  My son has missed a day and a half or two days every year since he started school to attend the HS state basketball tourney weekend....and we've never had an issue.  I can't imagine any school having a problem with a kid missing a day or two to attend an event like Jupiter.  Now if the kid has grade issues....and shouldn't be missing, then that's on the parent and the kid to make that call.  Fortunately my son gets good grades....if he didn't, he wouldn't be missing school unless he was too sick to go in.

Unexcused at our school
You get a few days for college visits but they had too many people out for diff reasons. Dance, cheerleading, and people who just go on vacation whenever, etc. Can be a prob if kids r in class working on group project and they miss.  I know some kids who have missed  6 plus days so far this yr. for sports out of state. Where do u draw the line?

One of my daughter's high school friends and classmate was on the 18u Team USA field hockey team. She missed a lot of school traveling the world playing tournaments. She was home schooled at least 20% of the school year. When she was at school she took their tests and was allowed to play sports. She wasn't a great student. But she got to choose her college.

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