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I need some opinions from folks that have some experience with renting fields to travel ball teams.

Our high school has a brand new field and it is in great shape. It is located in a very desirable area of metro Atlanta - an area that kids from all over could get to easily. We are interested in renting it to a summer ball team but don't know how much we should charge.

Does anyone have any ideas, or any written agreements that we might use as a starting point?

The field is 320 down the lines but only about 340 in straighaway center.

Any ideas?
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Off the top of my head.....

-$300 per month based on useage 3-5 times a week for 4 weeks. Lights not included.

-Mow grass and maintain field is a must.

A few years ago my son's travel team rented a practice field that they had to pay rent ($100 per month) and mow the field. It was a good practice field but nothing like some of the Atlanta HS fields I've seen.

Good luck.

I can’t give you an exact number, but if you look at the link you’ll see what one of the local cities charges for it fields. Hopefully from that, you can figure out something close. But things are always goofy for a HS field. Remember, the taxpayers are already paying for them, and for the regular mowing and maintenance, but it costs money to keep things looking good.

Don’t allow renters to use the equipment like rakes, drags, utility vehicles, line chalkers, etc.. Most of the time those things are paid for by the HS team, not the school budget, and if they get broken, that’s who’s gonna have to get them fixed or replace them. If you do let them use any equipment, make sure you have some kind of replacement/repair clause in the contract.

Good luck!
Last edited by Stats4Gnats
Lots of liability issues. In AZ, the district and the HC have to sign off on field usage. It includes insurance coverage. Make sure no cash is involved. Make sure who the checks need to be written to to avoid any accusations of misappropriation of funds. Remember, they will NOT take as good as care of the fields as you will. Expect to have to work it after they are done working the field.

Personally, I would charge double what the city fields charge. It is much nicer.
Last edited by Doughnutman

We rent fields every year for our Goodwill events.
The 1st requirement from City or HS is $2 million in liability insurance.
Your renter is required to name your school as additional insured.
You will need a field coordinator [$$$$] whenever the games are played on this field.
With the CF fence 340', are houses located beyond the fence?
What is the objective to renting this field?

This should be a simple thing but it is not. I used to have a hard time understanding why many school fields were not made more accessible until I became more involved with some of these issues.

Things to consider...

Who normally maintains the fields in the off-season if anyone? ...the school district? What costs will be added to do so? Someone suggested not allowing the renter to use field equipment but it usually isn’t feasible to bring in outside field equipment for each practice/game. And if they don’t do some degree of maintenance, the field will likely suffer. If you do allow use of equipment, you have wear and tear and possible breakage or theft as well as storage access concerns.

What will use frequency be? Enough to change the current field status of “new and in great shape”? Will they use cages, screens and nets? Will they need to water? Will they need to use clay, infield mix and turface? Access to lights, scorer’s booth?
Will someone need to be available to open gates or otherwise allow access to school field for each scheduled use? Will there be additional litter and vandalism to deal with?

Of course, there are liability issues to consider as well. The team will need to have adequate insurance, but you will also need to consider if the school insurance will cover non-school related events held at the facility.

What is the motivation to allow use? Is it so that local kids, including those from your school, have a good facility to use in the summer/fall or is it to make a few bucks for the program?

It can be very difficult to come up with a fee that covers all of your true costs and is feasible for a club team. I’ve seen hourly - $25-$75, weekend - $100-$250, and I know some charge by the week or month, depending on frequency. I’ve seen some schools charge nothing if team had a reasonable representation from the host HS. Whatever you do, make sure these issues are discussed at length before entering into an agreement.

I tell you what 'bout ten bucks a game? Or five bucks if you can get rid of those monster gophers out in right field.

No need to mow or water...this field is invincible.

Just don't leave the lights on...the neighbors get annoyed and have too much fun putting them out.

"They took out the lights again in left. Have you ever seen a can of soup launched like that before?"......"Only once...mmm mmm goodness sakes!"

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Thanks for all the great input and ideas. There are a lot of things here we haven't thought of. Here are answers to some of the questions:

The purpose of renting the field is to make money for the Dugout Club. We've rented our field in the past to an almost year 'round Adult league (Sunday only) that has paid us about 2k for the privilege. We've never known if that was a good rate or not but we've learned that some nearby fields get about 2k for renting it to a summer travel team. But they don't have to share with anyone. The money from the Adult League goes to the school directly and the school cuts the Dugout Club a check for the same amount. We put the money back into improving the field, generally.

I am a parent and member of the booster club.

We'll definitely want to have a written agreement. I'm actually not sure what the Adult League has done but I will find out. I am certain they've carried liability insurance. We've let them use our tractor and tools to maintain the field. It helps that one of our assistant coaches is in the adult league so he keeps an eye on it for us. They only use the field on Sundays so it just sits the other days of the week.

Whatever team rents it will use the cages, screens, and net. We have no lights right now. My understanding is that the school board delegates field rental to the principal. Water is available and the field has a sprinkler system.

I will need to check into how tournaments that charge fees are handled. During the season they do not let us charge fees although several bordering counties do.

I'll look over the thread and answer additional questions shortly.

Keep the ideas, suggestions, and questions coming. This is really good information and discussion.

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