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probably NYc in specific and the media in general - I am so sick of everybody that has one good outing being haioled as the next coming [examples too numerous to list] and on the other side, continuing to harp on a guy's mistakes. here in Philly all you hear about is what a bum Abreu is in the OF, even from peopel that I KNOW don't even watch baseball. If he stinks so bad why do so many teams want him??

Eagles fans were overcome with rapture over the expected avalanche of Super Bowl victories they expected when the media hailed first Boby Hoying, then AJ Feeley as the next Joe Montana's [as expected most of you, except maybe Big 10 fans, are probably saying who the he!! is Bobby Hoying. My point exactly.

A-Rod is getting the worst stuff by being in the worst place for it!! Gotta deal or leave
It seems Seattle was an improved team the seasons immediately after A-Rod left. Seems the Rangers, while still not at the top of the game have shown some up turn without A-Rod. He sure puts up numbers, but what have they translated too (Well other than 25 million a year).

some guys like Jeter, Reggie etc. just have "it". Don't think A-Rod is one of 'em.
When are Fan's going to realize that there only hurting there Own Player, There own TEAM, There own City, When they BOO the Player for having some bad game's.

Grow Up, It's a game to be Enjoyed Not a place to personally ATTACK a Player for doing something That only the BOO BIRD"S wished they could.

They dream of there LL year's and say I could of made that play.
YEA, Then you Wet the Bed, and Woke Up!!! EH


Its just a game - and NY fans boo bad performances and cheer good ones. Like most other fans I guess.
Nothing personal about it.

And since when cant a paying customer express himself or herself. They can cheer or boo as they see fit. They pay Arod's monstrous salary.

He needs to pump it up a notch - then they will stop booing.

I Know, They Love you when your doing good and hate you when your doing Bad.
The problem is these are the same people that bring there Negativeity to the Youth Game's, And complain about a 10 yr. old who doesn't make a play.

If you want to BOO and Yell Obsenity's in Front of Women and Children, Go to a Big Time WWF Wrestling Match. EH

Noone said anything about yelling obscenities - and noone said anything about maniac parents at youth games.

MLB - booing and cheering is part of the game.

Always has been and always will be.

There is nothing wrong with either - and if you are on the receiving end of it - you go with the flow.

And for $25 million per year - it is easy to "flow".

Last edited by itsinthegame
Do you Realize how much AROD make's in Revenue for NY and the MLB.
The sale's of AROD merchandise alone pay's for his Salary, Ten Fold.
That's why Arod make's so much Money.
How Many Seattle, Texas, NY Yankee Jersey's That have AROD
on the back.

Are you telling me that these Boo Bird's aren't yelling Obscenities???
Just because your a Payed Costumer, And you have a right to Yell.
Doesn't mean you Should.
It does not help the Player are the Team. EH

When you go to a game - you cheer for your team - you boo - and hopefully you enjoy yourself either way.

I couldnt care less about Arod's "draw" - or his pension plan. Thats his deal - and his lawyers and agent's. When Arod shows interest in my career details - I will show interest in his.

Until then, I just want to pay my bazillion dollars to go to a game with my kids - and have fun.

Cheering and booing - is part of the experience.

It is a game - thats all it is - despite what the media and the agents want you to believe.
I Agree it's only a Game.
And believe you Me, I,m not a saint when it come's to being upset with bone head play's and yelling out.
It's part of the Game.
But Yelling at the other Team and the Ump's, Not your own Team.
And not Yelling Obscenities.
But it's like one Fan has to out do the other Fan.
Cheer your Team it will do wonder's for there Mindset. EH
I Respect the Yankee's, and there Organization to a point.
But the Fact that they outbid everybody else when it come's to Free agent's., I'm not a Fan of.
And to see there plan's not work out is a Pleasure.
But Player's are Human Being's and I feel for Them.
I want every player to succeed, and enjoy there time inside the Game.
Money has nothing to do with it.
Everybody has feeling's.
When your boss yell's at you to do more, does it make you work harder and feel good about yourself.
The only reason your there taking his C**p is for the Money.
But would it not be nice to be given Kudo's for what you do right. And then you might feel better about yourself.
You will have pride in a job well done, Knowing that your helping your team to win.
If you give No Respect, You Receive NO Respect. EH

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