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Right TR. According to the original post, this is the one, best offer this young man will have. I could give a hoot about whether he has a girl or not.. but he's not willing to be less than 1 hour away from her? I'd say in that case he's either not using his best judgment or his girl is more important than baseball.

But yes, it is the young man's decision. He's an adult.

Everyone knows that the emotions are far more intense at that age. That's where the parents come in, not to preach or dictate but to help him sort out the facts so he's thinking with his brain on this deal.
Let's see -- should I leave my wife and move closer to the Tennessee River so I can pursue my favorite sport (fishing)? Hey, it's only an hour away. I have an offer to use a friend's cabin as it were my own. I have no other offers. Would I be considered weak if I were to stay at home?
Fungo, a wife and an 18 year-old girlfriend are two different things. For one thing, the wife is way more expensive so you couldn't afford that other hobby. And even if it was a very serious relationship a one hour drive here out West is a Starbucks commute!

By the way, what happened to the good 'ol days when the girl followed the guy? Just kidding, of course, but seriously a solid relationship should accomodate each others' dreams.
Last edited by Bum
Slight wording problem ...

I think you meant to say "show you the way," rather than "get in the way."

For me, it is 20 years. My wife has shown me the way many a time. Just recently we decided there wasn't enough conflict in our marriage so we remodeled our kitchen with two high schoolers crawling the house. Still very little conflict.

What to do? Advice needed! If a kitchen remodel cant make us fight, I guess we are terminally married.
Last fall when my son was being recruited, you'd be amazed how many coaches asked if he had a girlfriend. This was not just small talk. He was being asked to join teams far from home and these coaches were covering all the bases. Many had seen players leave their teams to return to their girl.

HS players should be prepared for this really took my son by surprise the first few times he was asked. Seemed a bit personal. He would respond that, yes, he had a girlfriend but his first love was baseball!
I've been asked that question several times also. I give two different responses to it:

1) Yes (or no), but it doesn't (wouldn't) matter in terms of baseball. She knows (or would know), I've explained it.

2) Yes, I have three. Their names are Pick Off, Double Play and Strike Three.
Last edited by J H
I am suprised how many people missed the point the guy is 17-18 yrs and the girl likley 14-15 yrs (freshman). Kinda illegal in most states, except Alabama, JK.

Ask yourself how many freshman HS girls marry the guy they are dating. Not many.

The guy should pick a college where he can play at. If you making any decisions about his life because of a 14-15 yr old girl, he has MAJOR ISSUES
My mom always says that she used to be a golf widow when my dad was younger because he played so much. Now that he's getting older and a little busier, he's not at the course so much. He's at the field watching either me play baseball or my younger sister play softball. My mom says she doesn't know which is worse. She claims that when he had a bad round of golf he would come home and be upset with himself until the next day, when he would get back out and shoot well again. But now, if my team loses a game, he is clearly upset about it until our next win, which could be the next week depending on our schedule (or how good the team is). I tell him to lighten up, I'm the one playing and I'm usually feeling much better once I stuff my face that night at the dinner table. Whatever it may be, my mom doesn't complain about it too much so I think she's pretty happy with the love for the game Smile
Last edited by J H

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