A recent post by HotMama made me wonder how old others on this site were when they 'left home' and what difference they think it made (or not). I left for college soon after I turned 17, came home the first summer and then after my second year, moved half way across the country, took a year off, and came back home for visits only after that. It was the year off that made the difference for me - finally grew up (relatively speaking of course ) and got serious about what I wanted to do. My impression at the time was that my folks couldn't wait to get me out of the house, but now with my 'baby' a senior, I wonder if they were feeling the same way I do now, particularly when I read the posts of many of you with their boys already gone.
"Dear Pastor, Please say a prayer for our Little League team. We need God's help or a new pitcher. Thank you. Alexander. Age 10"
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