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I think alot of parents like to blame anyone but themselves for their kids behavior.

Every year you hear about a HS baseball coach who suspends several players for drinking or drug use.

Worst case I have seen a quarterback was arrested and charged with sexually assault.
The coach suspended him, his team lost 4 games in a row. Parents went nuts and had hin reinstanted despite he plead guility to a felony. Apparently winning was more important than having a felon on your team.

Coaches can show guidance but parents need to do a better job of raising their kids
Let me ask the same question another way:

How responsible should the American Literature professor be when his students are involved in drinking, drug and criminal behavior?

The coach is not the only adult influence when a student is at college.

However, let's keep in mind these are not "chldren" any longer - they are young "adults".
While they should not be held criminally or civilly responsible, I believe a responsible coach would want to preemptively communicate and educate his players on the danger of these and other problems and remind the player’s of their responsibility to represent the team in a fitting manner as well as let them know that offenders will be held accountable.

I would hope that a coach would want to mentor kids because he wants them to be successful in life but unlike the American literature professor, the coach also has a vested interest in helping to keep them eligible to help his team so I would expect him to take a more active role.
Last edited by SBK
The players are responsible for their behavior off the field. With that responsibility comes consequences. the coach makes the rules. If you break them then there are consequences. You do not have rules then have selective enforcement. Kids see right through that. As a coach you make the right decision. It is hard initially but it will serve you well down the line.
The players are reflective of the coach.

As a coach be it high school or college there is no reason to not be in control of your player's actions both on and off of the field.

You set the rules, if someone violates the rules, first go round they are warned, second time there is no excuses, they are off the team - period. This is all explained throughly up front and a contract is signed, so there is no room for "I did not know".

A college coach has a chance to do kind of a background investigation in the recruiting process, if he is smart, to find out not only how good of an athlete he is getting but how good of a young man as well.

I don't see why a HS coach would not know what type of kid he is picking for his team unless the player is a transfer student from out of the area.

Bottom line, my players are going to be hand picked good athletes and top notch young men without a lot of baggage.

Another thing, when a student chooses to become a student/athlete his or her expectation of proper behavior has just reached new levels. You are now representing your school in the public eye.

Central VA Baseball, Inc.

Last edited by cvsting
The State of Missouri wants to make the Coach responsible for all of their player's actions. I've heard wispers that it might be legislated. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO PARENTS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR KIDS. As for any kid in my program, we have a code of conduct. They know the consequences. They will get the exact measure of discipline laid out in that code. That is as far as I'm prepared to go. The last time I looked, I didn't start a babysitting business.
How novel is the idea that kids be responsible for their own actions....why is it that blame needs to be shifted to someone else all the time and how about some accountability for each persons own behavior......if, I or my children, make the choice to act reckless or inappropriately should I blame my 80 year old Mother....where does the need for parental supervision end and accountability for our own personal behavior kick in...anyone have any me once my son entered college he became responsible for his own decisions...I will always be available for input but the ulimate choice is his and his alone.
Catchermom03, I didn't mean to offend parents. However, I'm not the caregiver for my players in their home lives. Also, I'm not legally responsible for any destruction that they cause. Therefore, I placed the responsibility on the parents. You are correct in that players are also responsible. Regarding my other post, I don't coach in Missouri and only posted what I've read or heard. Perhaps some coach from Missouri could clarify.
Last edited by CoachB25

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