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Originally posted by TRhit:
I may be missing something in your post but if you are pitching in a Scout League and those are your stats your phone should be ringing.

How are your academics?

TR, if there is even a kernel of truth in this "story" it wouldn't matter what his grades are....every juco in the country would be on him and every d-1 would be figuring out "how to make his grades work"
Originally posted by bsballfan:

TR, if there is even a kernel of truth in this "story" it wouldn't matter what his grades are....every juco in the country would be on him and every d-1 would be figuring out "how to make his grades work"

I think TR's question about grades is relevant. Everyone I've spoken to insists that grades do play a significant role in a players eligibility to play for a decent program, no matter how talented they are. So while a young Nolan or Randy might be a JUCO's dream, they would not be able to play for a decent 4 year school with poor grades.
Last edited by Vector

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