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Do each lift 2-3 times a week. It depends on your recovery abilities, intensity of exercise, etc.
Do some reading around here and at other sites. The Bench press doesn't do a whole lot for a ball player. Push-ups are better in my opinion, but as was said, squats and other basic exercises working the posterior chain is best. Also make sure you are getting skill work in. Hitting the baseball is more important than being strong enough to hit it a country mile. Throwing accurately is more important than chucking it a country mile.

Tim Robertson
Welcome to this site.This site should help you alot.

I am also no expert my any means,but heres my opinion.

Benching alone will do absolutely nothing for you,and doing it every night is a bad idea.Do good core lifts such as: squats,lunges,snatches,cleans,deadlifts,etc.This will establish a good base and you can build off of it.Taking supplements will only work if you eat properly and work out regularly.

Also,read this message board up and down,chances are your question has been answered here already,so you can gain some knowledge from those old posts.
I'm also not an expert but you shouldn't be lifting everynight, I agree with you leftypitcher17. When you lift or bench or anything you are actually have minor tears in your muscles and if you don't give them time to recover, the result isn't what you want. You need to give your muscles time to "re-heal" or recover and when the tiny tears heal they will be stronger than before.
On how often you should lift is on how much you are lifting. If you are maxing everytime you lift, you should take about 2-3 days off inbetween days, that's what I do at least. But if you are doing light weights high reps, you could take one day off or none if that. Say light weights high reps would be lift Monday, Tuesday, rest Wednesday, lift Thursday, Friday.
This is what I do and I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do but it has benefited me so it's helping some! lol.
ristud, everyone here has given you good advice.....again, benching everyday is bad. I realize it is the "****" lift for high school students, but doing it everyday is actually hurting you. I teach a weightlifting class at my school, and i see a lot of kids like you who think that their routine should include bench everyday.

I have some sample programs and info on designing programs on my site. Check it out and then let me know if you have questions....
Not to sound like a 'pitchman', but check out the link below Jon Doyle's post, above. My son (and I) just started using his 'Unbreakable Abs' program, and I must say I am impressed. This routine is hitting muscles down through the core (frontside, sides, and backside) that have never been touched by my traditional weightlifting routines. Without a rock-solid core, nothing else can function properly and you'll always be at greater risk of sports-related injury. Roger Clemens, Andy Pettite, and Nomar are prime examples of guys who crush their cores in their workouts.

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