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"Short" means that the pitcher delivered the ball with a short arm circle (a long circle gives the batter a better chance to pick up the ball well before release). "Easy arm action" means that there appeared to be minimal effort in delivering the ball (loose or relaxed are other terms which could be used).

Short, easy arm action is desired. A pitcher who is relaxed will deliver more velo then that same pitcher who is tensed up and trying to throw hard (seems a contradiction, but it's not).
I totally agree with all of the above but would like to add to, or perhaps complicate, the issue...

Not sure if you are aware, but JH is an accomplished college pitcher. At one point, he provided some mechanics advice for my son and it helped with his velocity. Another very good college pitching coach instructed my son to throw with more effort to gain velo. This also helped. I believe that easy action is preferred but some players throw "too easy" to get close to their max velocity. So, IMO, if your son is throwing at a decent velo with easy action, that is optimal. But if his velo is below average, he may, at some point, be coached/instructed to increase effort. Is this valid, JH?
cabbagedad- Absolutely, but I don't think that has much validity when speaking of a scout's evaluation. I would venture to say that if a scout describes a pitcher's motion as having "easy arm action" then that is a positive thing. Then again, I wouldn't really be able to make a true determination unless I saw the pitcher in question.

Just for reference, "short easy arm action" involves the entire body when releasing a pitch, and not just the arm. It's impossible to throw a ball with good velocity and easy arm action and not intertwine all of the bodily aspects that go into pitching.

Here are a few good examples of "short easy arm action":
Last edited by J H
Originally posted by 2013leftydad:
Comment was "...short, easy arm action"...

What does this really mean from a scout / coach perspective?

How do you extrapolate (ie will a longer, harder action result in more velocity)?


Pitchers can have long or short arm actions- just depends on style and preference. Which is better? Depends on who you ask. Some like the short action better believing a pitcher can hide the ball better from the batter. Others like longer arm actions. Truthfully, I don't believe having a short or a long arm action from one pitchher to the next shows either an increase or decrease in velocity, deception, or ability. It's just a way of explaining ones arm action. Some have a big arm circle and others have a short circle getting to the power position.

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